Chapter 22

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Third person pov

"Please stop following me." I sighed as I walked back towards where Minato, Rin and that asshole were waiting. I really just want to go home, but I know they'd wait until it was dark if I didn't show, thinking I was still with Obito comforting him and his poor self. He certainly seems fine now. Either he wasn't all too broken up about it or I'm better at this emotion stuff than I thought.

"I have to go back too! I can't give up just because of some girl." He said, his fist clenched in front of him as a sign of his determination. I sighed heavily. Maybe I shouldn't have done the pep-talk. I should have gotten him a blanket, some food and I should have just left him there to wallow. What if he thinks we're friends now? I'm emotionally drained just from talking to him, God forbid he want to hang out with me and chat it up on a regular basis.

"Whatever." I groaned. "I've had too much social interaction for one day. This isn't healthy. What if I'm hospitalized?"

"Then you wouldn't have to run." Obito pointed up. He makes a very valid point. Maybe I should let Kakashi break my ankle again. That very short break sure was fun. I don't know if it's worth it though. I had people surrounding my all day every day when my ankle was all jacked up. 

"I told you you weren't an idiot." I joked, grinning a lazy grin. He grinned back brightly, his eyes full of excitement. I should be a therapist. I can just break into people's houses and give them half-assed pep talks. I'd probably be rich. And I'd get to break doorknobs with flowerpots. It's a win win. 

Except the whole human interaction part. 

"Oh yeah, sorry about your doorknob. I'll pay for it. And the flowerpot too." I yawned slightly. I'm hungry. And I want to take a nap. My hair is is messier than I am in general but also way nicer than my future is going to be, and that alone should award me with some alone time. Obito didn't want to wallow alone, which was a waste, but that doesn't mean I don't want to. I just need someone to insult me and then I can pretend I'm upset and leave for like, three days and pretend I've had an emotional breakdown.

"No, it's alright!" Obito chirped. "I can handle it. I live alone, so I've got some extra funds from all the missions we go on!" He sounded almost prideful.

"Ugh, alright." I grumbled. "If you want to handle it, be my guest. It is your loss."


He's so optimistic. It's just... ew. Positivity is basically the bane of my existence.

Third person pov

"Ethelia, Obito, you're back!" Minato crowed happily as the girl approached, her feet dragging. A cheerful Obito marched by her side, a bounce in his step. He seemed happier than he was before he want to find her which was quite odd seeing as Ethelia was the embodiment of negativity. 

"Obito, I'm so sorry!" Rin wailed, her eyes teary. Ethelia groaned loudly, steering herself away from her. Obito followed her. "I didn't mean any of those things, really! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know what I was saying and-"

"It's fine." Obito said as Ethelia began to walk circles around Minato, the annoyed Kakashi and the tearful Rin. The Uchiha trailed after her almost absentmindedly. "Ethelia told me the truth, so I don't care what you say." He grinned.

"What could she possibly have told you to make you feel better? Have you met her?" Kakashi scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. Ethelia opened her mouth to retaliate but quickly closed it again. He was totally right. 

Minato looked curious. Ethelia came to a stop, and so did Obito. She looked annoyed and like she wanted to die, and like she had many, many regrets. "She said I was a good ninja and a hard worker, smart with some things, funny, a good person, and that I was cute!" He thrust a thumb into his chest happily. Minato immediately turned to Ethelia in surprise, and the girl sighed heavily. Kakashi and Rin didn't look like they believed a word that had come out of his mouth.

"I should have bought ice cream and left it with him. I'm sure it would have had the same effect." She said in a dry tone, looking up at Obito with an irritated gaze. He grinned down at her as though they were friends or something. Ethelia felt even more annoyed. Not only was he smiling way too brightly to be normal, but he was taller than she was too. Whatever, at least he was blocking the sun from getting in her eyes.

"You said all that?!" Rin gasped, her eyes widening. "You think it's true?!" 

"Uh... yeah... That's why I said it." Ethelia looked taken aback by the question. She knew she didn't say nice stuff often, but did she honestly think that lowly of him? That was pathetic and mildly disgusting. Ethelia was quickly starting to dislike Rin more than she disliked everyone else. 

"Wow. I didn't think you had a single kind word stored away in that little brain of yours." Kakashi sneered rudely. Ethelia threw her head back and groaned a loud groan. This shit again. The stick up this guy's butt was bigger than a fucking Redwood Tree. He was more of an asshole than she was!

"Does it matter? Rin said something rude and he ran off, so I offered to go get him. That's all." She threw her hands up. "Seriously, it was nothing. I had no idea what I was doing. I just said what came to mind, so it's nothing special."

"Alright, Ethelia." Minato chuckled at her, glancing at Obito, who looked even happier than before. He stared at Ethelia with some sort of admiration and newfound understanding. Finally, he got what kind of person Ethelia was. Minato himself was still trying to figure that out. 

"I-I uh... I'm really sorry." Rin ducked her head.

"He said he didn't care, so just drop it. You were an asshole. Everyone is at some point." Ethelia waved her off. "Kakashi's 'point' just so happens to be lasting longer than usual. He should really see a doctor about that. I'm concerned that he may be on the fast track to hell if he keeps this up." Ethelia sighed. "And I won't be saving him a seat either, so he'll fall into eternal damnation. A shame, really."

"Shut up and be respectful." Kakashi hissed, and Minato laughed again. 

"Well, it looks like it's all been resolved! So how about we do one more lap around the village and then call it day! Sound good?" Minato chirped happily, clapping his hands together. Rin nodded hesitantly, glancing regretfully at Obito. Kakashi nodded a firm nod, and Obito's head bobbed in confirmation. Ethelia turned to him, looking like she wanted to die.

"Hey, do you think you could start crying again so I have an excuse to leave?" She asked, and Kakashi swatted at her head irritably. She hissed.

Obito grinned down at her. 

He was going to befriend her even if it killed him. 

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