"Sure, just don't ditch me if you have football practice again."

Asher laughed, "Nah I won't, coach said we have the day off so I'm free."

I turned to look at him, "what about Steph," I asked, "she is your girlfriend after all."

"I told her we'd do something together this Friday," Ash waved it off, "besides she's got a student council meeting or something like that."

"Fine then, just wait for me when school ends, okay?"

Asher nodded and went to his afternoon class while I went to study hall as my timetable said I had no classes in the afternoon.


When school ended, I went by Asher's white SUV and waited for him. Moments later and came out with Steph and Parker.

"Dude can I get a ride? My car's in the shop," Parker asked.

"Sure but you're sitting in the back."

Parker nodded and leaned against Asher's car, "hey Alexis, don't mind if I tag along, do you?"

"Of course not."

"You know Asher really cares for you?"

"Yeah I know that," I said rolling my eyes at him.

Asher and Steph stood at a safe distance and said their goodbye before Ash gave her a quick kiss and jogged towards us.

Parker ran a hand through his hair, "no I mean-"

"What are you guys talking about?" Asher asked when he was standing in front of us.

"Nothing, just casual talk," Parker said slinging his hand around my shoulder with a smirk on his face.

I saw Asher clench his jaw, "watch it Micheals, that's my bestfriend you're talking about."

"What are you gonna do about it Daniels?" Parker furrowed his left eyebrow.

Asher unlocked the car and I got in the passenger seat while Parker and Asher stood talking in hushed voices before they both got.

The drive to Parker's house was filled with an eerily silence that no one dared to break, not even the radio was playing. We dropped Parker off and he waved and smiled at me before closing the door.

Asher looked angry for some reason and I couldn't take the silence anymore, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

The ride to his house felt uncomfortable like I shouldn't be there, "Can you just take me home?"

"No, it's nothing, it's just Parker being annoying as usual," Ash said as we sat in the car in front of his house, "c'mon let's go."

We entered the house and I took a seat  on the huge couch that faced the huge flat screen TV in their living room. I knew his house like the back of hand as I spent a lot of time here when I was growing up. It was like my second home.

"I'm ordering pizza and then we'll watch a movie," Ash said.

I stood up and searched through the movie collection and came up with The Fault In Our Stars, I hadn't watched it before so I thought why not?

He came back moments later with the pizza and took a seat besides me, "what movie did you pick?"

"The Fault In Our Stars," I said to which he made a disgusted face. "What? I haven't watched it and I heard its nice."

We eat whilst watching and to say I liked the movie would a complete lie, I didn't find it that interesting, heck I only liked how bold Augustus Waters was and that's basically it.

"Remind me never to watch that," I said as the credits rolled and the pizza box long forgotten.

"Told you."

Ash shifted so he was completely facing me, "hey Alexis, can I ask you something?"


"What's up with that Nick guy? I mean why's he so rude?"

I tried to find something to say but I came up blank, "beats me, I just met the guy yesterday and I already have a feeling he hates me."

"He's a dick."

"A jerk."

"A douche bag."

"A complete Arsehat."

Asher cackled at that, "man you're spending so much time with me you're starting to curse," he said.

"Maybe I should just stop hanging out with you altogether and find new friends," I said with a smug smile.

"Oh please you need me just as much as I need you and you are afraid of coming out of your shell," he said, "besides we've known each other for all our lives so it makes sense that you can't live without me."



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