Story #3

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Hey guys! This will be an anonymous entry, and fairly short, so I got permission from the person that wrote it to add my own two cents in. Here it is:

My parents are making me go to therapy because I am not making the right relationships with my peers even though half of them I don't like and the other half are immature or pervs. Everyone says I'm too quiet and not masculine enough even though I can beat most of them in gym class. I'm mostly quiet and introverted because I have a stutter.


I think that while your parents mean well, a lot of people forget, or just don't know, that's it's not always as easy to 'get new friends' as people make it out to be. It's not easy for kids, or adults sometimes, to find out who their friendship would be good or bad for.

I'm wondering what could be classified as 'not making the right relationships' in this case. On the one hand that could mean that you don't have enough friends or just don't talk to these people.

I could understand your parents being worried if you're bullying these people, or if you were going out of your way to be rude, but from what I've read, the bullying seems to be happening to the person that wrote the post.

I don't think you should be forced to go to therapy over this. If people are being rude to you and bullying you, you have no obligation to be friends with them.

Anonymous, you should not feel bad about being introverted or quiet, and don't let any of your classmates convince you of that. If you are introverted, it's something that has been ingrained, and something that should be embraced. Stand up with your head held high, and don't apologize for being the way you are. Just be confident. I know it sounds corny but I promise you that it does get better, and you will find friends who appreciate you for who you are.

As for your stutter, if anyone makes fun of it, they're a loser and also some other words that I can't put in here because I don't want the rating of this book changed.

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