Walls and Shells

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 You ever really like a person who seems aloof and disinterested in you? Maybe a crush or potential friend interest. They're just the type that you don't feel you can get close to?

Don't worry. I'm not giving out dating advice. (As if you guys would want to take dating advice from me)

But you might be wondering what the relevance of this posts' title is. I'm going to explain this to the best of my ability.

Wall- a stone structure that encloses something and gives it privacy.

The walls that make up your house keep you inside. They protect you from the elements. What do walls have to do with this post, you might ask?

You're a wall.

Yes, you read that right.

Some people have personalities that are like open notebooks or paintings. You can look at them or meet them once, and you know everything about them. Whether or not they're friendly, how sincere they act, how honest they are.

Other people are different. When you meet them, it's not that easy to tell everything, or even anything, about them. And it's not even because these people are dishonest or insincere, but that's how they're interpreted.

I'll say this about people. Sometimes, they tend to retreat into their own shells. They have their own walls up, because they don't want or like people knowing everything about them. Sometimes they do it without even knowing they do it?

Want my opinion? I think that's fine. As long as you're happy, some people like having walls up. Someone who may seems distant and aloof at first could end up being your best friend.

One thing we often say to people is to tell them to come out of their shell. Should you come out of your shell? Absolutely. Your shell, comfort zone, whatever it is, it's important to step out of it and make yourself uncomfortable every once in a while.

However, maybe you don't have to get rid of your shell entirely. Everyone has one. You'll always have that special room, that good book, that happy place. You can always go to it when you're having a bad day or when you want some time alone. 

Okay. I hate to generalize here, but it seems to be that introverts probably put up more walls than extroverts do. That's not a bad thing. I've always wondered why it's been bad to have a different comfort zone, or a bigger shell. Some people may not be as open to as many people, but they still have people that are there for them. 

Should you let your walls down sometimes? Sure. Should you come out of your shell once in a while? Yes. But it's not a bad thing to be more reserved, or to have walls in the first place. 

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