Frieza X Reader - Part 1 (Wanting revenge)

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YummyGhost (A-N)


I have changed a couple of things that are in Dragon Ball Z just so I can fit my own ideas into a piece of FanFiction. Don't worry some of the story line will still be the same as Dragon Ball, it'll just be slightly different.

Also my plan is to publish two chapters a day for all of you readers, so keep an eye out. ;)

Now I won't waste any more of your time and allow you to read the story. I hope you enjoy. :D
- YummyGhost

Your space pod landed close to the royal palace that King Vegeta lived in and it was awfully quiet which was very unusual for his planet. Normally, Planet Vegeta would have something going on but it was all silent.

"King Vegeta? Prince Vegeta? I've got the stuff you wanted to trade." You opened the palace doors hoping you'd find someone. "(Y-N), thank God you're ok. Is there any other survivors?" King Vegeta stood up from his throne. "What do you mean?" You asked with a confused face. "She doesn't know, sir." One of the royal guards told the king. "I guessed that, you fool." King Vegeta stood up dead still. "Know what?" You asked another question. "I'm sorry to tell you this, (Y-N). But it's a good job you came out when you did." The King sighed as he wasn't looking forward to telling you something else. "You've got me puzzled. Just tell me." You sighed as you needed to know what was going on. "That evil scum bag Frieza blew up your planet two hours ago, I don't know why,.. but he did it." The King eventually told you.

"W-what?!" You shouted as you couldn't handle the unbearable news. "I'm sorry. This must be hard for you." King Vegeta bowed to you as a sign of respect. "I'll kill him! I'll make him pay! Even if I die while ripping Frieza's head off!" You blabbered out a load of rubbish as you didn't know how to react. "We can get you on Frieza's ship tonight. I'll be on there myself with some of my men so you know you're more than welcome to join us, (Y-N)." King Vegeta invited you to fight with him. "I'll be with you alright. I should warn you though, once I'm on that ship I'll be after for Frieza and no one else." You told the King a rough idea of you plan. "You can do as you wish, (Y-N)." The king told you. "Excellent. Because you'll see Frieza's head hung up on your wall if your planet is speared." You smiled and made an agreement.

Just before King Vegeta and his men went to go face to face with Frieza, they gave you some time to provide yourself with some tight, black clothing. This would make you a smaller target, plus the tighter the clothing, the harder you'll be to catch.

"Not wearing armour, (Y-N)?" The king asked you as you was more than ready to go. "Nope. If I wear armour it'll make it easier for me to be caught, if I don't wear armour I'll be able to slip out of their arms if they do get me." You explained your tactics to the king. "Smart thinking I guess. Just make sure they don't hit, you because Frieza's men do have some powerful attacks." King Vegeta gave you a heads up of the negative side. "I'm not after Frieza's men. I'm after Frieza." You grinned at the King of Saiyans as he started to move for Frieza's ship.

Once you all got a board the ship, Frieza's men were signaled that intruders had come onto the ship and tensed up for a fight. Frieza's army hurried out in different directions and attacked the Saiyans. While that was happening, you stayed hidden in the shadows and walked around the ship while keeping your back to the wall so no one saw you.

"Hey! You don't work for Lord Frieza." An unknown voice shouted behind you. Rapidly, you turned around and chucked a razor sharp throwing knife into his chest so he was knocked out and not dead.

"Lord Frieza, we have another intruder on the ship. She's located on corridor eight in front of room one, zero, three, six. She doesn't seem to be a human or a Saiyan either." Another man came around the corner and called into his scouter that was on the left side of his face. "I'm sending some men over now, I'll also be there shortly." Frieza's voice echoed in the background.

"Finally Frieza has decided to stop hiding and thought to come out for a change." You chuckled and punched the guard in the stomach that sent him flying into the wall.

Shortly, after multiple of Frieza's men came sprinting around the corners and attacked you in groups of ten. You battled all of the guards and was doing well, but you'll admit, it wasn't easy. More and more of Frieza's men came running at you, but in smaller numbers, so he must be running low on fighters by now. You must haven taken out at least a hundred and fifty.

"Who is she, Zarbon?" Frieza asked him as he just noticed the amount of soldiers you'd defeated. "I don't know, Lord Frieza. I've never seen her before, but she is definitely a very strong human if she's beaten that many soldiers were." Zarbon squinted his eyes at you and tried to think who you were. "Well, I'm getting bored, let's just end it here." Frieza sighed and cracked his knuckles to have ago at you.

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