Ch: 35 || Fury.

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"Ms Malik, Ms Carter- hi. Wow, um." I was lost for words when I saw the two older women at Louis's front doorstep that Sunday afternoon. It was extremely strange to see them not with their children, and especially seeing them after I had changed so much. Ms Malik was lovely, but I hadn't ever talked to her as much as Ms Tomlinson. Of course, that is mainly because I live in her house and not in Zayn's. Ms Carter, I have talked to a few times when being around Sophia. But only ever briefly- not like Nathan or Zayn has with her. I didn't actually know what to do. Should I greet them inside? Do I even have the authority to do so, when this isn't my house? Instead I just stand awkwardly at the door.

"Tom. You look, you look well. I thought you were supposed to be with Max, not in Bradford?" Ms Malik- Tricia seems confused as to why I'm here like any of the boys would be as well. She must be a bit angry that I hadn't followed her son's instructions - obeyed the plan. But in my defence, I got ditched okay? I like the fact that I've changed. I feel like I've started a new leaf in my life now. It feels great. I know if I see the boys they will be in great shock to see me this way- but who knows if I ever will see any of them again? Only fate will decide.

"So do you both. I was but, but he left without me so I was homeless for a while until Louis and his family was kind enough to let me stay with them. They are great people." I inform them both, and both women smile as if they're proud that I've changed too. I've changed my look, attitude, style- this is crazy. I didn't expect this to ever happen. No one would ever expect this to happen actually.

Before either women could respond, I felt a soft hand on my shoulder- and I knew instantly it was Joanna Tomlinson. She had that motherly aura that always radiates off her. It was wonderful - unlike the disgusted and betrayal feeling I get when I was around my own mother. I felt like she was cheap and had such low standards, throwing herself at men like that. If she doesn't have respect for herself, I won't have respect for women. Makes sense... in my head.

"Hello there, I'm Joanna. Can I help-" she takes a second look at Tricia, and gulps almost nervously. There seems to be some sort of tension arising in the air at this point. I smell drama approaching. "-Patricia. I haven't seen you in years. Hello." Joanna speaks slowly, allowing her words to be processed in her brain and in ours- telling us she doesn't believe that the mother of one of her son's friend's enemy is in front of her. Yes, Zayn has told me about the whole Louis always stopping the fights between him and Harry since they were kids. It was hate at first sight. 

"Hello Joanna. Sorry to approach suddenly, but I was just wondering if Louis was in. Lucy here would like a quick chat with him regarding her daughter. If that's alright with you?" her daughter... Sophia. What's happened? I haven't heard from her or the boys in two months. I wonder how they're doing. I wonder if Sophia and Zayn had gone their separate ways. I used to wish that they would so I could selfishly have my old best friend the way he was again. I liked him all tough and not giving a flying fish about anyone. 

I'm still trying to decide whether love is bad or good now. It really changes you. Sometimes not in a good way. Sometimes it makes you blind and stupid; like Nathan with Nikki. But then sometimes that lover- makes you a better person, Sophia and Zayn. Then you have the couples who are in love but confused if they actually love each other or someone else; Louis and Eleanor. Stupid couples are everywhere, you just can't get away.

"Your daughter? What's my Boobear done wrong?" Joanna's tone sounded worried and protective like any mother's would be. Joanna calls Louis boobear as a nickname as she apparently has ever since he was little- I tried calling him that and got slapped so. I wish I wasn't here in the middle of this conversation because I don't want to be a around to witness a mother's fight or anything. Who would I side with? My best friend's mother and future mother in law or the women who is now like a mother to me? Hard choice. 

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