024: let's talk more.

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Baseball try outs have officially started. Chan's gotten a bit busy with that, helping the coaches with whatever they need and practicing himself. That meant that Chan comes home later, and he has less time to talk to Junhui. He's told the older, and it seems like Junhui's about the same since badminton's started, too.

Things didn't slow down when try-outs ended, and Chan had made the team. Practice was everyday, and Chan would spend most weekends at the field with Jihoon and Soonyoung, just practicing and helping new players get a hang of the game. The more he didn't talk to Junhui, the more sad he'd get, but he's also been a little too busy to think about the latter.

However, this week was a steady week. The coach cancelled practice on Monday and Tuesday since he'd be out of town. So Chan only went to go practice with Jihoon and Soonyoung on Monday. On Tuesday, he decided he'd just go home. And that's what he did.

Kihyun had left right after since he had work, so Chan pretty much walked alone. Seungcheol was busy with swim and Jeonghan was probably watching him until volleyball practice started. Assuming Junhui wouldn't be busy, he called him. The older answers after a few rings.

"Yes, babe?" Junhui's voice was groggy, and a bit deeper and husky than usual. He most likely just woke up.

"I-I don't have practice today, so I thought I'd call you? Texting you isn't so fun anymore; our replies are too short."

The older chuckles, and it makes Chan's heart skips a beat. "Yeah, I know. We've both been busy, baobei."

"It's so good to hear your voice again..." Chan mumbles.

"I know, but don't go cumming inside your pants now."

"Haha," Chan rolls his eyes. He sighs, "So hows school and stuff?"

"Pretty okay. I have a C in one of my classes but I talked about it to my teacher already, so I'm good. What about you, baobei? Haven't been bad, have you?"

"I have all A's! And I got put into discipline but only because I ripped my phone out of the teacher's hand." Chan grins, remembering the incident and the look on his Japanese teacher's face.

"Oh yeah! Speaking of being put into discipline, I got into a fight!"


"Some dude pushed Mingyu and Mingyu's already in trouble with his parents for sneaking out last week, so I pressed the guy, and we fought! I didn't swing first, but I sure as hell won." Chan just sighs again, walking to the burrito truck that caught his eye. "Why are you sighing? I thought that would turn you on?"

"No, it's not like it didn't but... didn't you want to play badminton?"

"I quit. We got a new coach and he was fucking annoying the shit out of me. Plus, I was gonna get kicked off anyways because I threatened to beat his ass into a pulp with my racket and the birdie."


"Before you try to scold me, he was making fun of Mingyu since he didn't stand up and fight himself."

"Are you trying to get expelled or something?"

"I'm not taking bullshit from anyone, baobei." Junhui slightly raises his voice. "I don't fucking care how much older they are, I don't have to fucking respect them. My parents said I could do whatever I want as long as I'm happy and I—"

"Baby, calm down..." Chan says. "Hold on, though. I'm buying food," He pulls the phone away from his ear and orders a supreme burrito and five tacos. He hands the lady the amount due. Once he's finished, he steps away and waits for his order.

"Baobei, I miss you..."

"I miss you, too."

"Oh! There's also a girl in my Mandarin class that asked me out last week and I told her I'd think about it."

"Junhui, you're not gonna cheat on me are you?"

"No! She actually came up to me yesterday asking what I thought and I told her I was dating you and she doesn't believe me. Then, she got all mad but I was eating a burrito so I just walked away. And today, she said she was sorry and bought me a burrito and I took the burrito and ran."

"Why is all of this happening to you?"

"I don't know," Junhui laughs. He yawns and smacks his lips. "Are you tired?" Chan asks, thanking the lady as he grabs his bag of food. "Kind of. But I'm finally talking to you, so I'm trying not to be."

"If you wanna sleep, you can."

"Baobei, I was taking a nap when you called." Chan frowns. "And no, you shouldn't let me go back to sleep." Junhui laughs. "I miss you so much, baby. I need to talk to you," Chan hums, unraveling the foil to his burrito. "What did you buy?"

"A burrito and a couple tacos," Chan replies before he takes a bite.

"You know, if you really wanted to, you can have my burrito." Chan almost chokes on the pieces in his mouth. He chews and swallows. "Junhui!" The older laughs. "I wish I could see your face. Are you red?"

"Probably," Chan mumbles. "God, why are you so horny?"

"Because I miss you. It's been like a month,"

"Are you saying you haven't jacked off because you miss me?"

"Yeah, I want you to do it." Chan rolls his eyes. "Ah, baobei, would you mind if I do it now?"

"I'm eating!" The younger cries. "And walking home!"

"Well, how far is your house?"

"I'm almost there," Chan takes more bites of his burrito. "I might just give half of this to Ki,"

"Give it to me!" Junhui jokes. Chan rolls his eyes, reaching for his keys. "Okay, I'm home."

"Are you almost done with your burrito?"

Chan looks down at the burrito in his hand. "Um... no. I also have like four tacos." He continues to eat as he walks upstairs. "Let me change," he sets everything down and switched the call to FaceTime. He unplugs his headphones and goes to change.

"I miss your room," Chan hums as he takes off his pants. He grabs some sweats and a regular t-shirt after slipping off his long sleeve. Once he's changed, he sits back onto the couch and grabs his phone and burrito.

"You're so cute," Junhui coos.

Chan smiles, "You're cuter." Junhui smiles and Chan bites his bottom lip. "Since you're eating, I'm gonna go microwave the pizza from last night." Chan hums as Junhui makes his way into the kitchen.

For the next hour, the two continue to talk and eat, Chan already on his last two tacos. "Baobei, you eat slow," Chan blows a raspberry at Junhui. In the next three minutes, Chan practically downs his tacos. After he's finished, he cleans up, tossing everything into the trash downstairs. He rushes upstairs after downing two cups of water.

"Hey, can we call later?" Junhui asks. "I actually have a shift in fifteen minutes that I forgot about."

"You work?"

"I just help my dad around the company for about five hours. He says it's for training but I'm making cash, so whatever." Chan nods. They both say bye and Junhui hangs up. For the time being, Chan works on his homework.



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