023: i miss you.

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The first day back wasn't so bad. Chan was glad he would finally have something to do than mope around his room all day. Junhui would also text him almost every hour and as often as he could just like he promised. Departing was hard, but Chan thought having to talk to him without hearing his voice or seeing his face was just as hard.

At five in the morning, Chan's just woken up. He rubs his eyes, adjusting them to the slightly bright string lights. He groans and slowly starts to sit up, and reaches for his phone on the nightstand. It was five minutes just before his alarm would ring. He groans and turns it off so that it doesn't. Just as he's about to climb out of his bed, his mother opens the door.

"Lee Chan," she calls and he squints over to her, his eyes not fully opened. "Kihyun's back." Chan's eyes widened and he hurries down his steps and outside his room. There he finds his brother at the top of the stairs, holding all his bags. Chan smiles, almost squealing as he rushes to give the older a hug.

"How did it go? Did you find them? Were they nice?" He looks up at him and Kihyun smiles, patting his head. "It... was pretty okay. They were nice, and even got Mom and Dad a gift for taking me in. I also got you something," Kihyun grabs his hand and drags him into his room.

Chan happily sits on his bed, watching Kihyun set his bags down. Then, the older pulls out bags and hands them to Chan. There's a lot of clothes and he digs around and finds a Rolex.

"Kihyun..." The older laughs and gestures for Chan to open it.  "I got you the one you had now like two years ago and since I went to France, I thought why not get you a new one." Chan squeals as he whips it out. "Are you going to school?" Kihyun nods. Chan stands and grabs the bag before walking out to change.

Ten minutes later, Chan was ready. He wore the Off-White shirt and the white Vetements coat. After slipping on a regular pair of ripped jeans, he puts on his Jordans. Kihyun walks in, dressed up too but more causally. "Seriously Chan?" The younger shrugs. He grabs his things and follows Kihyun out.

Kihyun starts the car, waiting for Chan to get in. "Aren't you tired?" Chan asks.

"I stayed at Minhyuk's house before I came home. And Jihoon texted me saying you got a boyfriend?" Chan freezes up, turning his head to look at him. He just fake laughs and puts on his seat belt. "Now you have to tell me, Chan." Kihyun smacks his arm softly before he backs out of the driveway.

"Later," Chan says, checking his phone.

"Who got you those 11's?" Kihyun decides to change the topic, seeing Chan's eyes light up at the corner of his eye. "Seungcheol did! After my boyfriend left, I was real fucking sad and he bought me a shit ton of shit I didn't even ask for. And he knew I've been wanting a pair of Jordans so he bought me like ten."

"Seungcheol's really something else..." Kihyun mumbles under his breath. "So we're gonna hit Starbucks, and I have a free period... So I'm gonna drop you off and I'll be back for second period. You can eat in that class right?" Chan nods. "I'll buy you pancakes."

"What? Why can't we just go right now? We have like fifty-five minutes!" Chan frowns. "

"Jihoon and Soonyoung?"

"That'll bring it down to fifty-three! And that's when we get there, too. Plus, we have like ten minutes to get to class." Kihyun sighs, shaking his head as he gives in.


They've picked up Jihoon and Soonyoung, and now Kihyun was pulling into a parking spot. When Kihyun's parked, they all take off their seatbelts and get out. Chan rushes to the door, holding it for everyone but Kihyun, who kicks him in the shin. Chan only cries about how he could mess up his shoes and that his pants are white.

"So, Chan, about your boyfriend?" Kihyun says, after the waiter walks away from taking their orders.

Chan sighs, "fine. His name is Wen Junhui, I met him online because he called me while masturbating but I love him with all my heart."

Kihyun raises a brow, "bitch... what?" Suddenly, Chan's phone rings. He checks it and it's a FaceTime call from Junhui. He picks it up.

"Hey, baobei." Junhui smiles. Chan smiles back before shoving his phone into Kihyun's face. "Who're you?"

Kihyun looks at Chan, "When the fuck did you get an X?" Chan shushes him. "Hui, this is my brother, Kihyun."

"You never said you had a brother." Junhui says. "You never asked. Plus, he's adopted." Kihyun kicks Chan from under the table. "Ow! My shoes!"

"Hey, shouldn't you be in class?" Jihoon grabs Chan's hand, pulling it back so that his face is in view.

"We have a last minute sub and the teacher didn't give any directions, so no." Junhui grins. Jihoon looks at him in disgust before turning to the waiter who wad putting down their food.

"Did you eat breakfast, babe?" Chan asks, grabbing his forks for his pancakes.

"I ate a waffle Mingyu grabbed for us," Junhui replies. "Just one, though." Chan watches him look away, a smile coming across his face. "I can have this? Really, thanks."

"What happened?" Chan sets the phone down so he can cut into the pancakes. "Some girl gave me her breakfast. She said she had an extra." Chan hums and shoves the pancakes into his mouth.

"Baobei, I miss you..." Junhui sighs. Chan nods, "I miss you too... But don't make me so sad so early." Junhui chuckles and nods.

Twenty minutes later, Kihyun realized they have about thirty minutes left so he rushes everyone. Junhui was asleep, but still on the phone. Chan had muted himself so he wouldn't wake the older up. But when he looked at his phone again, Junhui was rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Morning, Hui."

"Hui? No one calls me Hui," Junhui laughs.

"Well I do, now." Chan says, drinking his apple juice. The older nods, still laughing.

"Aw, babe," Junhui frowns. "Class is almost over, so I might hang up. My math teacher is pretty strict."

Chan frowns as well, "I don't want you to go..."

Junhui pauses... "Do you want me to skip so we can talk? I can go chill in Gyu's car; it's not hard to sneak into the parking lot."

"No, you have to go to class." Junhui clicks his tongue. "Okay, baby..." He mutters a party pooper under his breath. Then, the bell rings. Junhui stands and walks out. Chan and the others have finished and got back into the car, Kihyun starting it and making his way to the school.

"Ah, baobei, I'm at the class and the door is opened. I'll stay out here until—"

"Babe, just get in class."

"But I wanna—"


"Baobei..." Then the bell rings. "Okay, I'll go. I love you, baby."

"I love you, too."

"Tell me how school is, okay?" And with that, Junhui hangs up.

"Chan, you're fucking whipped." Kihyun laughs, Chan punches him on the arm.

whip idk what this is but dont you love it whrn your crush unfollows you and you start to realize he probably never even wanted to talk to you

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