011: well, i enjoyed that.

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"Hey, dad." Chan greets, slipping off his shoes. He moves over, allowing the three behind him to enter. "Hey, Mr. Lee," Jeonghan and Seungcheol chime, following Can
han into the kitchen. Not knowing what to say, Joshua just follows quietly.

"Who's that?" Mr. Lee asks, pointing at Joshua. Chan sets down the sushi for his parents in front of his mom who was sitting at the table. "That's Joshua,"

Joshua bows, "Hello," Both Mrs. and Mr. Lee smile, replying a small hello.

"How many bags?" Mrs. Lee asks Seungcheol. The male scratches the back of his head, "uhh... four?"

She squints and Chan coughs, hiding behind his father. "What'd you buy?"

"A skateboard, rings, shoes, and jackets."

Mrs. Lee stammers, "a skateboard?! Rings?! Lee Jungchan!" Chan screams and runs up into his room, grabbing his bags. Seungcheol laughs, waving his hands in denial. "I honestly asked him what he wanted, and suggested for him to buy things. I didn't get anything for his birthday or Christmas, so I just went all out." Mrs. Lee sighs, running a hand down his face. "You took Chan to Universal and Disney for his birthday."

"Yeah... I also took Seungkwan, Vernon, Jihoon, and Jeonghan..." Seungcheol scratches the back of his head. "Okay, but, I mean... I still suggested... so..." Mrs. Lee sighs and shoos Seungcheol away. He turns around to find out that Joshua and Jeonghan had already left upstairs. He quickly walks up, Chan dashing past him and back downstairs.

"Mom! This is the friend!" His father looks over at his son and walks towards his wife, joining to see what Chan was talking about. Mrs. Lee takes the phone, Mr. Lee shoving his face close to her's. "His name is Junhui,"

"Hello," Junhui smiles, waving. Chan's parents wave back. "So you'll be staying at our house." Junhui nods, "With a couple of friends."

"Okay, hopefully we'll be good hosts." Mr. Lee nods. He glances at his son, "Chan... I know this is a weird question but... are you attracted to men?"

Chan's shocked, eyes wide and mouth wide. He turns red (Mrs. Lee was a real one and switched the camera so that Junhui could see), and he raises his hands up. Before he can open his mouth, Mr. Lee speaks. "Chan, it's really fin—"

"I'm not! I just-just I-I—" Chan can't seem to finish his sentence. "Chan, calm down, if you really are, we're fine with it." Chan puts his hands down, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Wait, you are?"

"Yeah. You're our only child—we're not gonna disown you just because of your sexuality; that's stupid."

Chan bites his lip and his mother hands him back the phone. "I—Okay," Chan walks away, stunned. "Baobei," Junhui calls, and Chan looks down at his phone, reversing the camera. The older was frowning.

"When I said I love you, I really meant it, baby. I love you. It might be early and all... I just... If you—"

Chan interrupts, licking his lips. "Junhui, I know I said I wasn't but I'm sure I am. Just... dude, I'm fucking whipped for you."

Junhui smiles, "I swear to god, when I see you, you won't ever get to leave me."

"Who said I wanted to?" Chan places his hand on his doorknob.

"Chan, I swear, you keep talking like that and I'll tear you apart." Junhui smirks and Chan laughs, pushing his door open. The three in his room look at him. "What?" Jeonghan runs towards him and Chan dodges the male, rushing towards his bed.

"Lee Chan," Jeonghan grumbles. Chan looks at Jeonghan in confusion, "what?"

"Are you gay?"

"Yeah? Have you seen the guy I've been talking to the past few days?" Junhui chuckles, and Chan smacks down a pillow that Seungcheol thrown at him. "Dude, why are you guys coming for my ass?"

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