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I sat in class lazily,playing on my phone, when the teacher entered the room, visually mad.
„Sorry for being late, something important came up in the principal's office. But let's start with the lesson", the teacher said while calming himself down and searching for his papers for class.

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked to the front of the room. I normally didn't pay much attention to the teacher or everything in school, but today I was focused on the class. Just after class was over I realized I was listening. The teacher talked about Music and its impacts on our society. Maybe I just listened because it was about music. Music was my passion, everything I cared about. And me and my best friend tried living our dream as Idols or something alike. We were producing music and put it on SoundCloud. And we were actually really good at it. We even had some fanpages on Instagram. But it was weirder than exiting. We just did it because it was our hobby and now there are girls who would scream for us like we were real idols. It felt weird and uncomfortable.

At school, nobody knew about it and we wanted it like that. We weren't popular in school, but neither we were the losers who got bullied. We just didn't care about the people around us and so did the others didn't care about us eighter.

Meanwhile,I sat on a small table outside of the canteen, eating my lunch. A few minutes later another male joined my table. He had his earbuds on and started eating his meal. It was his usual behavior, he won't talk to me until he ate. Most people thought it would be rude, but I was used to it.

After we both finished eating he just looked at me and put off his earbuds.
„I had an idea for a new song and I think you would like it", he started after he got my attention by coughing, „A love song but it has a sad ending and they have to live without the other because they are from different social classes."
„How do you think of that?", I asked out of curiousness but actually, I accepted the idea right away.
„I don't know, I just came up with it. Probably from a drama, my mum watched lately or something", he said lazily putting his feet on the other chair.
„Sure", I said nodding, but not really buying his story, all the ideas he had for our lyrics meant something to him, so this one as well.
„So what should I do?", I asked, changing the topic back to the song.

„Nothing", he answered sarcastically and I responded with a light kick to his leg.
„Pabo", he said laughing, „You should think about a fitting melody for the guitar and the piano, it will be a slow song."
I nodded, thinking about some melody in my head.
„Are you going to sing hyung?", I said joking while wiggling with my eyebrows.
„No, please not. If I would, we would lose all the fans we have", he said laughing, „There will definitely be a rap part."
After some time passed and we agreed to some ideas for the song we saw five boys entering the backyard and sitting down on a bigger table next to us. It was normal for the other students to come outside if it was good wheater, but I never saw the five popular rich kids of our school sitting outside at one of these tables.

I looked at them for a moment and turn around to my friend before they could think I would stare at them.
„What if we would...", I wanted to continue to talk but realized that the other was looking or should I say staring at the rich kids.
„Yoongi!", I said,snapping my fingers to wake him up.
He turned around with an annoyed look on his face: „What?!"
„You were staring hyung.", I said smirking.
„What were you thinking perverted kid?", the black haired male asked a little bit mad.
„Woah, come down, I wasn't thinking like that! ", I corrected unsure.
„Right, you weren't thinking at all."
I rolled my eyes and looked back at my phone, where I was reading comments on my latest post.
You remember when I said I was uncomfortable with girls being a fan of mine, it was a lie. I sometimes enjoyed it having girls writing that they like me. I mean I wasn't interested in dating one of these fangirls, but I just liked the attention they got me.

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