Cemetery Drive.

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Frank's POV

I lunged at Gerard and he quickly sidestepped out of the way. I stop myself from falling forward and spin to face him, not before his fist connected with my jaw, I heard that he shape crack and felt the pain but that just fuelled me on, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down, he staggered slightly and I kicked he side of his knee causing it to buckle, he was down on one knee so I plunged my knife into his shoulder, he howled in pain and I smirked, he threw his fist out wildly and it connected with my nose, I staggered backwards as tears blur my vision, Gerard stands up and lunges at me I sidestep out the way and he slams into the wall, I take this opportunity to run out into the street. I look back and Gerard is following gaining quickly. I stop and spin holding my knife out, it's too late for him to stop on the wet slippery street. He runs into me and I plunge my knife into his stomach.

I hear his short cry in my ear and I quickly take my hands away from my knife and hold him as he falls into them, I lay him down, his head on my lap and I see him looking up at me in a state of shock. I feel the tears form in my eyes and I stroke his hair and he tries to speak, but only blood rising and coming out of his mouth. "Shhhh." I say whilst stroking his hair softly "It's okay, it's okay." He looks up at me with his beautiful hazel eyes "F-frank." He chokes out." "Yeah." I smile slightly, the tears running down my cheeks now. This was the man I had once wanted to build a future with. No. Who I still wanted to build a future with, but it was too late now. I held his hand as he choked for air, he shifted slightly and I looked at him questionably "F-for the gr-greater good." He choked out. He plunged the knife into my side.

I gasped in pain and pushed his body off my lap. I knew he was already dead from the way his beautiful hazel eyes had glazed over, his dark hair curled around him. I stumbled off into the night and smiled as I fell to my knees. That cheeky fucker, always having to get the last laugh. I fall to the ground, that's my Gerard...

Third Person POV

The man looked silently at the fresh grave. He held a single red rose and tears fell down his cheeks. He didn't believe the news when it came. He placed the rose on the grave "I-I'm so sorry Gee, I should of tried harder I shouldn't of cast you out. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry. Goodbye big brother. I love you." And with that he walked off into the cold New Jersey morning.

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