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Frank's POV

Another night in Belleville. Another moment wondering about Gerard and I. Tonight I would finally say it. Finally say I love you. I smiled, almost drunk on excitement. Tonight my life would change forever. Would I have to quit my job? Would I have to start running with him? Did he have a home or did he live on the streets? Would he live in my home? Would we have a normal life despite the fact he killed people? Did he have a normal job? All these questions whirled around my mind. It was the scream which broke me from my daydream.

I ran towards the noise? My hand immediately going to the concealed weapon I carried everywhere with me. A good officer is always on duty as the sergeant would say. I pulled it out "Stop!" I yelled at the scene before me. It was a basic mugging, no weapons but the criminal made a fatal mistake. He moved towards me. I couldn't help it. I pulled the trigger and soon he was lying back on the alley floor with his blood blooming out all around him. 

I looked down at the body, shocked at my actions. Oh god, what had I done? I look up into the alley and see the victim has run off, probably in fear. I don't blame them though I should go after them and calm them down after what they've just seen, but I don't leave because I see him walk away it of the shadows. Gerard.

He looked at me, still clutching my gun, then at the body, then at me again "Frank." He said, his voice shaking slightly "What have you done?"
"I-I..." began, shaking from shock and lost for words. I wanted him to console me, to tell me everything was alright, I took a step towards him and he took a step back "No." he said coldly, his voice now devoid of everything but anger. "You killed an unarmed man who's crime would of easily been tried at court and he would of served a sentence. He is in my books innocent." He looked up at me then, his hazel eyes now full of a cold anger "But you are not. You are the guilty and since according to the law you did nothing wrong you will not be tried by them but by me. Your sentence is death." I looked up at him with wide, fearful eyes "So I suggest you start running Frank, because the next time we meet it'll be the last time you ever breathe." He stood there and looked up at me. I suddenly gained control of my legs again and ran as far away from that alley as I possibly could, my heart shattering into a million different pieces, never to be fixed again.

Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz