"Woah! for the first time little Ms punctual is late for school," Asher teased as I reached him. His once long dirt blonde hair was cut short and neatly swept behind and he wore a white t-shirt with some dark jeans underneath his football team Jersey.

"Yeah, yeah rub it in Ash," I said rolling my eyes and punching in my locker combination.

Asher ruffled my hair and smiled at me with that charming smile of his but there was something else in his turquoise blue eyes. "I mean I'm usually the late one between the both of us and here I was fifteen minutes earlier," he said.

"I don't even know why I'm friends with you."

"That's because Al, you love me and can not, by any means, live without me in your little miserable life," he said with a cheeky grin and pulled me into his side as we began walking to class. "You need to start living a little and stop being so introverted. This is your senior year and you only get one of that for the rest of your life."

We stopped by my Physics class and only then did I realise that I had switched my physics textbook with my history one. "No, no, no."

"What's wrong?"

"I need to go and get my physics textbook."

Asher looked at me for a long while before bursting into laughter, "gosh, this is gold," he said, "first you come late and then you forget your textbook."

He was doubled over with laughter as tears brimmed in turquoise blue eyes. Just then the bell rang. "See ya at lunch Al."

I turned around and hurried back to my locker. The hallway was deserted as everyone was in class while I, on the other hand, was too busy searching for my textbook. I can't believe this is happening to me on my first day of senior year.

Finally finding it buried among my tonnes of books, I turned around ready to head back to class when I saw three really hot looking guys strolling through the front door of the school. I stood there and just stared at them speechless. They all wore black leather jackets with dark jeans and had this sort of a mysterious aura and bad boy look.

Before they could see me swoon over them from where I stood, I turned and made my way to class which no doubt I was extremely late.

Just great!


Civic Education class was one of my favorite classes besides Physics and Math. Ms. Thompson, our Civic Ed teacher was talking about some assignment we had to do for the term that was worth thirty percent of our final grade.

"Alright class, I'll now assign you your partners and please make sure you both do the work as I will be evaluating you individually as well, " she said and then started calling out the names from her list. "Casey, Michelle, Steve and Nate," She called out.

She kept calling everyone's name and when she finally got to mine did she realise that I was the only one left. "Oh my Alexis, it looks like you're on your own," Ms. Thompson said apologetically.

"It's okay Ms, I can do-" I was cut off as the door opened and in walked the three guys I saw earlier in the hallway.

All eyes turned to them and I swear I saw some girls drool over them from where I sat at the front of the classroom while some of the guys looked at them with awe.

"Ah, you must be the new students," Ms. Thompson said. "Please have a seat as I have something important to tell you," she said,

Ms. Thompson looked at me, "well Alexis, you're in luck because you'll be working with these three young men and I do hope you can show them around school as well."

I gaped at her, I can't work with them. What if they make me do all the work and then just take credit for it? I thought but I was interrupted by Ms. Thompson's voice.

"You are all required to write a report on the processes of a trial and you must have valid proof and reasoning," she said. "Alright you may go to your respective groups now and start working for the rest of the class," she said and went back to her table and took a seat.

I stood up and all eyes fell on me as I made my way to the back of the class where the three guys sat. Please let this go well.

I pulled up a chair and sat down facing the guy with light brown hair and hazel eyes who extended his hand to me. I reluctantly shook his hand.

"Hey! I'm Jake," he said and smiled showing off a set of dimples, "this is Kai," Jake introduced pointing to the guy with brunette hair and oceanic blue eyes, "and Nick", he finished pointing to the dark haired boy with forest green eyes."

I returned the smile," and I'm Alexis, nice to meet you all."

Well this is going to be a very long assignment.


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