Part 19 (Jess and Petra)

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Jesse sighed and drew her sword. She slowly walked towards Carson. She drew a shaky breath and raised her sword. Carson gave her a pleading gaze. Jesse burst into tears and dropped to her knees, "I can't do it! I can't kill anyone!" She covered her face, "I'm sorry guys, I just can't do it!" Carson smiled and moved to her side, "I knew it!" He wrapped his arm over her shoulder so that she couldn't move away and threw something on the ground. Smoke rose up from the spot and they had vanished. 

Jess' jaw dropped and he screamed, "No!" He ran to the spot where he last saw his sister. Petra stopped beside him, "This is impossible! They have to be somewhere around here, right?" She flipped her head around to try to find them. Jesse ran a hand through his hair, Where could she have gone? Where did that pervert take my sister? When I find him, I'm going to beat the living-

"I'm so sorry Jess. I should have taken care of him properly when I had the chance." Petra apologized. She looked sincere. Jess sighed, pushing his thoughts away, "It wasn't your fault Petra." Tears began to fall from his eyes and he grabbed Petra and pulled her into a hug. He cried, "I should have stopped him from kidnapping her. Who knows what that freak is planning to do to my sister. I just don't want to imagine it. She must feel so alone and scared right now." Petra ran her fingers through the back of Jess' hair and neck, trying to relax him, "We will find him and get Jesse back." 

Jess nodded, "I'll take this world apart block by block until I find her." Petra smiled backed out of the hug, "There's the Jess I know and love!" She slugged his arm. Axel approached, "I'm coming with you."

"Me too," Olivia said, "I'll bring some redstone," Axel grinned, "I call blowing that dude up!" He pulled some TNT out of his inventory. The others raised an eyebrow. "Umm," Olivia had a curious tone, "Do you always carry TNT with you?"

"What? Me? No-o," Axel said and everyone could tell he was kidding. Jess rolled his eyes, "No time to waste, let's get ready to go." 

"Can you grab some supplies for me?" Petra asked, "I'll watch Lukas." Jess nodded and the everyone departed. Jess went to his house and grabbed supplies like food, armor, swords, and water. Meanwhile, Petra sat by Lukas. She heard a grunt and turned to see him bring a hand up to the side of his forehead where he was punched, "Ouch. Why am I-" Realization hit him as his eyes widened and he sat up straight quickly, "Where's Jesse?" His scanned the area quickly with alarm. He winced as his head hurt from sitting up so fast.

"Carson.." Petra looked down, "Took her." Lukas cursed and said, "We have to go find her before he does something to her!" Petra nodded, "The others are getting supplies. We will leave when they get back." Axel rounded the corner and sat beside them, "Oh, you're up." He grumbled. 

Lukas rolled his eyes, "Nice to see you too. Where is everyone? We have to go!" Petra raised her eyebrows, "We? Are you sure you want to go? Don't take this offensively or anything, but with that punch in the face you took, I don't think you should." Lukas crossed his arms, "I'll be fine, I'm going and that's final." Axel mimicked Lukas and crossed his arms mouthing as Lukas did. Then he mouthed the words, "Because I'm Lukas and I am in love with Jesse and want to be her knight in shini-"

"Axel, what were you doing?" Olivia asked. She and Jess came around the corner. Axel bit his lip to contain his laughter, "Nothing," Olivia sighed and stood beside them. The others rose and Jess turned to Lukas, "Here," He threw Lukas a water bottle, "Sorry, it's the coldest thing I have. Do you want to rest or anything?" Lukas placed the water bottle against his forehead, "Thanks, and no. I am going with you guys to find Jesse." Jess nodded and they began to walk.

"Where did he take her exactly? Any clues?" Lukas asked. Olivia shrugged, "To be honest, we have no idea where they went. They disappeared in a puff of smoke." Jess said, "We're going to start at his and Jesse's houses." 

"Wouldn't that be a tad bit obvious of a place to go?" Petra asked. Jess turned to her, "Like I said, I will search this world block by block if I have to." They came to the front of Carson and Jesse's houses. Olivia suggested, "We should probably make two groups. One for Jesse's house and the other for Carson's." 

"I'll go to Carson's," Petra, Jess, and Lukas said in unison. Olivia and Axel raised their eyebrows, "I guess that settles it then." Axel said, "Are you ready?" The others nodded and went to the houses they volunteered for. Jess grabbed Carson's doorknob, but it was locked. He walked backwards a few steps instead. Petra eyed him, "What are you doing?" Jess answered by sprinting forwards and spartan kick to the door. It fell down to the ground under his feet, "That." Lukas pulled out his bow and arrows, "I guess that's one way to open a door." Petra and Jess drew their swords. They slowly walked into the house. It looked exactly the same as when they had built it together. Empty and harmless. They entered the master bedroom to the right. This room was the opposite of what they had seen in the house already. Paintings covered the walls top to bottom, and there was a bed in the center of the room.

Petra inspected one of the paintings, "Who is this? She's in all of these paintings." It was a painting of a beautiful girl in jeans and blouse with curly blonde and brown hair and dark eyes walking barefoot through a stream. "Maybe she's his fiance that he is always talking about." Jess suggested. 

"Umm.. guys." Lukas was tense, staring into the bedroom closet, "You might want to see this," They glanced at each other and entered the closet to see what Lukas was talking about. The closet was full of paintings of a black-haired girl with emerald green eyes who looked just as beautiful as she did in person, "Jesse?" Jess gaped. They were paintings of her posing, being held by Carson, or kissing him.

"This makes me sick." Lukas shivered, "Who knows what he could be doing to her right now?" Lukas' grip on his bow tightened. Jess shook his head, "This guy is so dead when I find him." They continued to search the rest of the house, but the rest was completely empty. They left the house after a good inspection to find Axel and Olivia waiting. They filled each other in on what the others missed and decided to go to ARW's, Jesse's favorite restaurant that Carson had taken her to the day before. They got their weapons and entered the restaurant , the people inside gaped at them, "It's the Order!" A voice called out."What are they doing? Are they possessed?" Another yelled. Many voices began to break out.

"Everyone, calm down!" A high- pitched guy called out. He had black hair that went straight up and glasses. "Thanks, Radar." Lukas said. Radar approached them and whispered, "What's going on?" Fear flashed in his gaze, "Is Colossus back? Or The Admin? Or-"

"If you shut up we will tell you." Axel grumbled. Olivia elbowed him, "Axel, that was rude!" Radar laughed, "Thanks Olivia, but he's right. Let's go somewhere with less people." They went to the chef's area, where they got more confused glances. "Don't tell anyone, promise?" Jess whispered. Radar nodded and his eyes got huge. Jess continued, "Jesse got kidnapped." 

Radar screeched and Petra quickly covered his mouth with her hand, "Secret, remember?" Radar nodded and she removed her hand. He asked, "Who? How? Why?" Jess grabbed a paper from his pocket, "No time to explain." He began to unfold it, "Have you seen a guy that looks like this?" He held up a painting of Carson's that was the least disturbing of all of them he had made. It was of Carson and Jesse holding hands, running through a field. 

"You seriously kept one of those?" Axel asked. Jess looked at the painting in disgust, "Believe me, I didn't want to, but we need a wanted poster." Radar squinted at it, "Not lately. I met him yesterday when he bought a house. He told me that he and Jesse were dating, but I didn't believe it." He said with a glance at Lukas, who tensed. The others gave disappointed sighs, "Well thanks anyways," Jess said, "Jesse always leaves you in charge while she's gone, can you watch Beacontown while we go find her?" Radar nodded, "Anything for Jesse. Find her, okay?" The others nodded and left the restaurant.

They heard a pop and turned to see fireworks bursting in the air in the distance. "Fireworks? Why-" Lukas gasped, "Wait! What if that's Jesse giving us a sign?"

"That would make sense." Olivia agreed, "Why else would anyone light fireworks in broad daylight?" Petra nodded, "Hurry!" They ran towards the forest, where the fireworks exploded. They hoped that the fireworks were from Jesse; otherwise, they wouldn't know where they could find her.

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