Part 5 (Jesse and Lukas)

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(Hi guys! I hope you are enjoying my story so far! I've had lots of fun making it and I wanted to tell you thanks for reading this, it means so much to me! Also, I'm not very good at writing in first person, so for the rest of the story it will be third person. Have fun with the rest!)

Jesse woke up, yawned, and rubbed her eyes. her body felt stiff as she shifted, but that would be common for someone who had been sleeping on a rock. She looked down and realized that she was wearing a blanket. It's freezing in here! Why did he give me the blanket if I was too tired to notice I had it? Jesse shifted and grunted as pain shot up her leg, Oh my gosh, I forgot about my leg for a minute there.

"Morning sunshine," Lukas turned to face her, grinning, "How are you feeling?"

She sighed, "Great, considering the fact that I have a broken ankle and had been sleeping against a rock. At least I'm refreshed now." Lukas laughed at her sarcasm making butterflies flutter in my stomach and she continued, "How long was I out for?"

"About nine hours," He guessed and stood up off of the rock he was sitting on and Jesse noticed that he was holding something behind his back. He had visible bags under his eyes as he yawned, "I have a surprise for you. Stand up," Lukas extended the his right hand out to her and he helped her to stand up. Then, he held out his left hand that had been behind his back. In his hand was a decent wooden crutch that he must've carved with his pocket knife he always carried around, "It's not perfect, but.."

She gasped, "Thank you!" She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek before she thought whether she should or not. She thought, Whoops, that was a little umm.. out there. I hope he doesn't think I'm crazy! She  hugged him to try to cover up her blushing. She could tell he was just as surprised by Jesse's move as she was. 

He laughed and hugged her back, "Your welcome." They backed out of the hug and they awkwardly smiled at each other. Relax Lukas... Did she really kiss me? Lukas thought excitedly to himself, while trying to calm his nerves, No. It was probably just a reflex or something. I doubt she feels the same way about me as I do about her. He glanced down at her lips wondering if he should go for it. Instead, he stopped himself.

 She took the crutch and tried it out. "This works great! Thanks again."

He cleared his throat to jump back into reality, "It was really no problem. I felt bad that the incident had to happen to you, so I wanted to make that for you." She traced her finger across the wood, "How did you do this? I swear you can do anything!"

Lukas rubbed the back of his neck, "Let's just say I took a lot of classes when I was younger. I could never decide what I wanted to be when I grew up." Jesse smiled, "Are you happy with what you ended up with? An author on true stories of adventures, and working along with the mayor of a town?"

And being lucky enough to get to spend time with you so often. Lukas thought and said, "I sure am. I wouldn't rather it be any other way."

She smiled at him, "I'm glad. Now I know you won't leave me like the others did." Her gaze looked distant and she frowned for a moment before she continued, "I bet you're tired. Go ahead and get some sleep."

He shook his head, "I'll be fine-"

"That wasn't an offer." Jesse ordered. He smiled at her, "As you wish." He settled down where Jesse had been sleeping. Jesse grinned and walked to the rock that Lukas sat on. She sat down and started to think. I swear Lukas will never cease to surprise me. He's always thinking of others before himself. 

Jesse glanced at him to see him cuddled in a little ball, already asleep. She noticed that his nose was red and his finger tips were turning a little purple. She crutched her way to him and placed the blanket over him. He seemed to subconsciously notice it, for he nestled into the blanket his lips slightly creased upward, showing his dimples. She crutched back to her original spot and sat down. Jesse listened to the silence and it lead her to wonder about her other friends, I wonder where they are and how they are doing. I sure hope that they haven't gotten split up like Lukas and I have. This temple is far too big to be alone. At least I know that once this is all done, we will see each other again.

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