Part 2 (Still Jesse's POV)

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They had been walking down the path for a while now. Luckily, they hadn't run into any more monsters.. yet. 

They heard a crash followed by a grunt from Jess, "Dead end." They had run into a wall. They automatically separated in search of another lever. "Man." Axel muttered, "We've been in here for a long time and no treasure so far." 

I observed the walls, "Well, hopefully that means that there will be really cool treasure in the end for all of this effort." The others agreed and Petra called everyone to her. She had found a button behind a block of dirt. "That block of dirt looked suspicious, so I broke it, and here's our button!"

She pressed it and the floor disappeared under my feet and I began to fall downward. I shrieked and I heard another beside me. I looked up to see Jess, Petra, Olivia, and Axel gaping into the cave I had fallen into, mortified. I heard a smack and less than a second later, I smacked onto the cold rock as well. I landed on my foot and it made a horrible pop sound and pain seared up my leg. I screamed and gripped my ankle. When I looked at it I saw that it was twisted completely sideways. I bit my lip as I heard my brother's voice, "Are you two okay?"

"Jesse's hurt!" I looked up to see Lukas stand up off the ground and walk to me, worry clouding his gaze. "What happened?" 

"I.." I lifted my hand off my ankle, wincing, "I think my ankle popped out of place when I fell down here." 

He asked, "Can I look at it?" I nodded and he carefully placed his hands on my foot, examining it, "Jesse's ankle is popped out of place." The others above gasped. He carefully set it down and stood up continuing to call to the others, "I'm going to need two sticks and a blanket." 

"We'll give you some extra supplies so that you can get to the end of the path!" Jess called down throwing two blankets. Everyone began to drop supplies like sticks, food, water, and TNT. The TNT landed on Lukas' head and Axel's laugh echoed across the cave, "Bullseye! Er- I meant, oops." Lukas rolled his eyes and picked up the stuff they had thrown down and knelt down beside me, "I need to pop it back into place, okay?" 

I nodded. He handed me a stick and I wondered what I was supposed to do with it.  I heard my brother call out to us from above, "Lukas, you'd better not hurt my sister or I'll-"

"Jess!" I yelled back, "I trust him. I know he won't hurt me." My brother didn't respond other than a grumble.

"I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt really bad," He said. I nodded, expecting the worst, "Okay, I'm ready." He gave me a reassuring smile that made me feel a whole lot better. He then got a good grip on my ankle and he popped it back into place with a loud pop. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. I screeched and split the stick I was holding in two. Well, I hope he gave me that knowing it would break. Oh my gosh that hurts!  I thought.

"I'm sorry," He tucked a piece of my black hair behind my ear, "It's over. I took care of it," I nodded to him, "Thanks," He nodded and began to wrap up my foot using a stick to keep it still, and one of the two blankets they got to wrap around it as a cast.

"How are you feeling?" Olivia called down the tunnel. I weighed out my pros and cons, "Umm, as of right now, not too good, but at least I know that my ankle will heal properly thanks to Lukas."

"Good to hear, but do you mind if we get going? There may or may not be zombies headed our way." Petra asked. Lukas responded, "We don't mind. Good luck, we'll see you at the end of this!" Axel said, "Okay, use that TNT I gave you, it'll look so cool, and Lukas, I am speaking on behalf of Jess and I; you'd better take good care of Jesse!"

"I will protect her with my life!" Lukas swore and I somehow knew that he meant it.

Axel, Olivia, Petra, and Jess' voices faded off into the tunnel as they heard zombies mumbling above. I sighed, There's no point in wasting time. We'd better get going so that we don't fall too far behind, I thought and spoke, "I'm ready." I shifted to my left side to easier stand up.

Lukas gaped, "Are you sure? I don't want you to feel rushed." I nodded, insisting what I'd said and he took my hands, lifting me up, "Do you want me to carry you?"

I shook my head, "No, save some energy, but would you mind being my second leg?"

He nodded, "Of course. Let me know if you get tired." He grabbed her right arm and wrapped it over his shoulder and placed his left hand over my waist as we slowly progressed down the tunnel.

I smiled to myself, I wonder how he knew what to do, but I'm glad that he fell with me. I wouldn't rather be stuck here in this tunnel with anybody else.

MCSM: The Forest TempleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora