Dinah gently rubs the girls tummy, "shhh, mommy will hold you again in just a sec. We don't want you to get sore sitting in a wet diaper now do we?" She questions rhetorically as she unsnaps the snaps on the girls crotch onesie, lifting it up so the material rests on the her tummy as she begins to untape her diaper.

The small girl pouts in respect to her mommy's words, but otherwise lets the woman get on with changing her diaper. She didn't want to end up sore after all.

Dinah smiles, "Good girl" she murmurs.

Soon enough, Dinah was walking down the hall carrying a now more awake Camila in her arms, and as soon as the small brunette spots her mama standing at the stove, she eagerly reaches her arms out to be held, a happy smile gracing her lips.

After finishing off dishing up the breakfast, the three plates of toast, bacon and eggs sat on the counter, Lauren was quick to wipe her hands off and take Camila in her arms, the younger girls legs wrapping round her waist to help keep herself balanced.

"Hi bug." The green eyed girl says gently, holding the girl close for a second before setting her down onto one of the four dining table chairs.

She tucks her chair in, making sure to also tuck a hand towel down the front of onesie to keep her clothes clean and she hands the girl her breakfast, not bothering with a fork as she knew the girl wouldn't use it and she didn't see the point in wasting cutlery.

Once Camila's was contently eating, her hands and face already covered with the remanence of food, Lauren walks over to Dinah, the younger woman standing by the fridge pouring herself a drink.

"You okay?" She questions, glancing up at her as she gets herself a drink, placing the carton back onto the side.

Dinah nods, "yeah, I'm good babe. Just letting you know though, mila's getting quite a bad rash. I put cream on it though, so hopefully it'll clear up" she murmurs, placing the juice back into the fridge after Lauren had poured herself and Camila some too, closing the refrigerator door with a soft thud.

Lauren glances back at Camila, taking a sip of her drink, "how bad?" she questions.

"It looks pretty raw if I'm being honest, but i don't think it's bothering her much as she hasn't complained about it" Dinah replies.

"We'll keep an eye on it, but if it gets worse and the cream doesn't help at all, we'll have to get her to go with it them for a few days so it can clear up that way" Lauren murmurs, sending Dinah a pointed look as she grabs her breakfast off the side and walks to the table Camila was sat at, sitting down herself and starting to eat herself.

Dinah frowns at her girlfriends brisk attitude, but she dismisses it as her just being tired and gets to work on eating her breakfast too.


The small family of three simply spent the day relaxing around the apartment. They had nothing in particular planned and they weren't in any rush to go anywhere; the couple feeling more than content enough to simply just spend the day with their baby.

They read books, watched movies, played with her toys and also on a plus note, Camila seemed to eagerly take at all the attention her momma's were giving her and was thriving on it, her little side coming out more than it ever has before.

She was a lot more vocal, not necessarily with words as she appeared to be taking on a younger headspace, but with giggles and squeals whenever her mommy would do something funny.

It was a sight the couple had longed to see ever since they had started this whole thing with her and they were both so glad Camila was finally comfortable.

Damaged (Ageplay) (Completed) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora