"Minhee, why aren't you leaving? The class is over."

Minhee snapped out of her trance, finally realizing her surroundings. She was lost in her thoughts thinking about what Jungkook had told her. Whatever those rumors were about she just wanted to know the truth. And she wanted to hear it from him. Not from the others, but she wanted to listen to words coming out of his mouth.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Kim, I was thinking. I didn't realize that it already finish."

"You've been distracted a lot lately, even in my class. I hope I'm not boring."

"No, no, your classes are always the best."

"I'm glad. Then what's bothering you? Can I help somehow?"

Minhee looked hesitantly at her professor, not knowing whether she should tell him or not. But in the end, she decided to at least try it.

"What if you have someone you care about, but they are hiding something from you. And they don't want to tell you the truth because they think you'll change the way you feel about them. What would you do?"

"If it was me, I would still want to know. And if I really care about that person than I would accept them the way they are, with all their flaws."

This left Minhee thinking that maybe Mr. Kim was right. She should know the real reason behind those rumors and she shouldn't let it get in the way between Jungkook and her.

She cracked a smile and was about to thank her favorite professor for the advice when someone stopped her by knocking on the classroom's door.

"Namjoon, are you finished? Let's go to lunch, I'm so hungry that I could eat a whole pig on my own" This came from a handsome male who popped his head in the classroom looking around, searching for Minhee's professor.

When he finally spotted Minhee, he quickly added "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you weren't finished. I'll wait outside."

"No, no it's okay. We are done", Minhee said to male, gathering her things fast. She didn't want to keep her professor longer than she already did.

"This is my student Minhee. Minhee, this is my boyfriend Kim Seokjin.", the professor introduced his boyfriend to Minhee. Her eyes widened from this new found info about Mr. Kim, but she quickly returned her normal look on, not wanting to create an awkward situation between them.

"It's nice to meet you! And thank you so much for the advice, Professor Kim."

"Anytime! Oh, and Minhee if I catch you dozing off on my class again, you'll get detention", Namjoon warned her, but his voice tone was more teasing than threatening.

She bowed towards the two males and ran out of the classroom before she could comment something stupid about the thing that her professor turned out to be gay.

'Wait 'till Soojung finds out about this, she will die' She thought of her best friend who had the hugest crush on their English teacher.


Minhee didn't need to search a lot to find Jungkook. She knew where he would be if not in the school. And she was right.

Jungkook had a small room in the 3J studio where he had his punching bag and whenever he needed to train he would be there. But most of the time, he didn't train to fight. He was punching the bag to get the anger out of his system.

And today too, he was there because he was feeling miserable. He dreamed of his best friend last night and just like every time he heard the same words over and over again.

"It's your fault... It's your fault..."

The words were chanting in his ears unstoppably and he wanted to scream just so he would stop hearing them and hear his own voice instead.

He was furiously punching the bag without his punching gloves causing his hands to become bloody again. But he didn't even feel the pain. The physical pain was nothing compared to the one he had in his heart.

"Hey, stop! What are you doing?" Minhee shouted from the door. She had entered the room and when she saw Jungkook in that state, she ran to him immediately.

Jungkook didn't even sense her presence until she shouted again taking his hands away from the punching bag. Her voice was like a wakeup call from his trance.

She hugged him close, not caring about his sweaty body. She just wanted to calm his shaking body, not knowing what to say about the situation.

Before she came, even though he was sweaty his body was cold. His hands were stoned and lifeless, just like his heart. But Minhee, with her caring hug, was slowly warming his heart and he didn't even sense when he began to tear in her embrace.

His words came out on their own, as if he needed to get them out. And the only one he wanted to tell them was her.

"It's my fault. Everything, that had happened that day is my fault", his voice cracked mixed with his sob and when she heard him she just closed her hands around him tighter.

"Shh... You don't have to tell me. We can talk about it later." As much as she wanted to know the truth, she hated to see Jungkook like that. Seeing him broken like that, she couldn't stop her own tears from coming out of her eyes.

"No Minhee, I need to do it now. You have to know now!" He broke from the hug looking her directly in her eyes. He wanted to see her face, even if it would be for the last time he gets to do it. Because he wasn't sure if she would still stay beside him when she hears what he is about to say...

"I killed him Minhee! I killed my best friend."


I'm sorry for the delayed update! I hope you like it!


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