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"We're having a party tomorrow guys, all students are invited, wanna come?" Minhyo noona offered.
I answered "Me? Of course. I always attend those."

"Good. At my house, once you get out of school."

I walked back to my locker and got my books for the next subject, which was Science.

I hate Science.

I quietly went to the classroom and read my books and used my phone, since our science professor wasn't there yet.

"Psst. Mr. Lee is coming." Said Seungwan.

Mr. Lee's name is actually Lee Yeonjin.

I threw my phone in my bag and stood up.

"Good afternoon Mr. Lee." I did a 90 degree bow and everyone did the same.

"Since I'm so kind today, I'll give you some time to study for the test." He walked to his desk, putting his books down.

My eyes widened.

"Mr. Lee, you didn't tell us that there was a test today." I complained.
He replied "That's why you should study everyday."
"But, its just the fourth day of classes." Seungwan exclaimed.

"You're just wasting time by complaining. You have so much time to review but you're not doing it." He defended.

"We have been in this school since kindergarten and this class is the most different one." I said.

"Time is ticking." Mr. Lee looked at his watch.

We sighed in defeat.


"Good. While you're studying I'll just go outside." He opened the door and left the classroom.

"I don't even know why only the two of us are complaining." Seungwan opened his book.

"Attention everyone, there will be a new student in the other section. His name is Jungkook. He's coming on Monday because he's still in the US. So make him feel comfortable once he comes here." The principal said through our class' speaker.

It was a Thursday today so I was kinda excited.

I remember I had a classmate named Jungkook when I was 7. He always fails in tests and exams. We were best friends until I knew that he was using me to get higher grades. We never talked to each other since that day.

I hope it's a different Jungkook.

Mr. Lee came back and distributed the test papers.

Good thing I reviewed before going to school. Because I'm a forgetful person. When I study before I sleep, I'll forget it the next day. So I have to study before I go to school or before the test.

"I'll give you 30 minutes. You can finish 5 pages right?"

Nobody answered since we were focusing on the test.

"Aish.. kids these days." I heard him whispered to himself as he left the room again.

I got to finish my test after 15 minutes. Since Mr. Lee wasn't here yet, I helped Seungwan because he was my friend since kindergarten. Also, nobody was paying attention to us because their minds were on the test.

We aren't seatmates though. He was on the row behind me so I had to turn myself around.

I heard footsteps going to our room.

"Give me my paper, he's coming." I whispered.

He returned my test sheet to me as I sat down properly.

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