"I take it you've never been on a motorcycle before?" Asked Dean.

I shook my head against his back to answer no.

"Well, it's simple really. Just hold onto me like you are and lean with me when we turn. If I lean left you lean left. Got it?"

"Got it!" I yelled back over the now rushing wind.

The rest of the ride was silent. Yelling to talk was not an extremely fun thing to do. But that was ok I enjoyed the silence. The sound of the wind reminded me of my recent runs through the forest and it aloud me to just gaze up at the moon which seemed to be glowing even stronger than before. I enjoyed the warmth that radiated off of Deans' strong body and welcomed it joyfully.

My legs were freezing from the lack of clothing covering them and it wasn't long before they were completely numb. Riding on a motorcycle in the middle of the night practically nude from the waist down at the end of October was definitely not a smart thing to do. Right now I didn't care about logic though. My heart was happy, my head was clear, and my pain was numb. This was definitely something I could get use to.

We pulled up in front of my current 'home' and Dean shut the engine off. With shaking limbs I climbed off the back of the motorcycle and stumbled over my feet a couple of times on the ground. Dean reached out his hand to help steady me before climbing off aswell. He removed the helmet and set it on his bike handle, dangling by a clasped strap.

"How did you know where I lived?"

"Small town," He shrugged "Are your foster parents home?"

"Nah, they are off on some Vacation for the weekend."

"That's good I guess."

"Yes it is." I smiled at him. "I should probably head in."

I turned towards the house and stumbled over my still shaking and severely numb legs. Dean caught me from falling.

"Are you still feeling a bit drunk?"

I placed one hand to my head and thought on it. Moments passed as I stood in this position thinking about my numb and tingling body. I went through and inventoried every part of my body; one finger and one toe at a time. Yup I was definitely still drunk.

"I'll take that silence as a yes," Chuckled Dean. "Let me help you in."

Without a word I reached into my bra, pulled out the house key and handed it to Dean.

"I think that would be a swell idea."

His laugh filled the night air. I leaned my body against the railing of the front stoop and waited for him to unlock the door. He gestured me to lead the way through the open door and I gladly obliged.

"Follow me. My room is this way."

The warmth inside that began to warm my cold legs dissapeared the second I opend the door to the basement. I didn't need to turn any lights on I knew my way down the stairs and to my room well enough. With each step the air became colder and colder. My room was no acception. It was colder than an ice tundra.

Dean flipped the light on and I watched from my bed as he took in my practically bare room. His eyes rested on me and a large smile spread across his face.

"It is so hard to take you as well you when you are dressed like that."

"I thought you could only see me," I retorted with a sigh as I stood up from the bed and moved to my closet to fish out a pair of pajamas. I found a pair of blue flannel bottoms with a small hole in the knee and a faded black v neck.

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