Florida- Chapter 20

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I woke up from the movement of the plane landing and I woke Leah and Jojo up and the others were awake so I don't have to wake up the others. "Well Goodmorning sunshine." I said jokingly to Leah because it was like 5:00 PM. " And Goodmorning buddy." I said patting Jojos fluffy black hair.  Leah then just snuggled onto my arm and closed her eyes. I slid my hand threw her hair and smiled down at Leah. "Cenna, we're here." Said Jojo. I got out of my daze of staring at Leah and woke her up again. "We are here." I said. She woke up again and we walked out the plane. I held my bag and Leah held my hand with the other hand, Leah was also holding her bag with her other hand. " We rented a van so it should be here." Tal Said. "Ok, let's go." Michael said. We all walked out and got in the van that we rented and we went to the hotel we were going to stay at. Once we got inside we unpacked we went to our rooms. I shared with Jojo and obviously Leah, Tal shared with Michael and Anthony with the 3 bed bedroom, Nick and Adi shared a room, and David had the last room to himself. We went into our bedrooms and Laid down. "Goodnight Jojo!" Leah and I yelled. " Night Guys." He Replied back. " Night, love you." I said. " Love you too." Leah said. Leah laid right against my chest and I stroked her nice, soft,  straight brown hair. She soon enough fell asleep and so did i. I'm so excited for this trip with Leah!

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