Babysitting- Chapter 12

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I woke up and looked at the time, it was 10:30 so I woke up Leah and then went downstairs to Adi taking up almost the whole couch, Nick sideways on the chair, and Jojo flat on the floor. Me and Leah giggled our way over to them. Leah grabbed Nick's arm and I grabbed Adi's arm and we pulled them and then they fell to the floor and woke up so fast. " Bro!" Adi yelled. " Shh! Peaceful Jojo is sleeping." Whispered Leah with a pot in her hand with a fork. She banged the two together and Jojo jotted up so fast. We all laughed. " Bro! Your guys's hair!" I said. " Yeah, look at yours!" Said Nick. " I love this black loxy hair!" I said touching my fluffy black hair that was upon my head. Everyone laughed as I slid my hands through my hair. " What a boyfriend I have right here." Leah said sliding in hands in mid air under my chin. I got lower to where her hands were and bit lightly on one of her fingers. " Ahh!" She Yelped. I giggled. Then we heard Leah's phone ping and she answered it.


I picked up my phone and started texting the person, it was my aunt.
Aunt: Hello Leah
Leah: Hey auntie
Aunt: Can you babysit my twins today?
Leah: Twins?
Aunt: Yeah, Ayla and Evah
Leah: Uh...Let me ask Cenna if we can
Aunt: Cenna? Whose Cenna?
Leah: My boyfriend
Aunt: Oh. Ok
" Um...Pretty boy." I said. " What?" Cenna asked. " Can my cousins come over? My aunt needs us to babysit them." I asked. " Sure!" Replied Cenna.
Leah:He said it's ok
Aunt: Yay! Thanks Leah honey!
Leah: No problem
Aunt: I'll be over in a half an hour
Leah: ok bye
Aunt: bye!
"They will be here in a half an hour, we need to get ready." I said. " We are going to go ok?" Said Adi. " Ok guys. Bye." Said Cenna. The other guys left and Cenna and I got ready. Cenna dressed in a black and white striped hoodie and jeans, and I dressed into jean shorts wit flannel on the sides and dressed into a black plain shirt with a flannel top and sleeves, I put my hair down and brushed it.
-Twins Got There-
We heard a knock on our door and we opened it, it was my aunt. " Hi! May I come in?" She asked. " Yeah, sure." I Replied. She walked inside with two babies and Cenna started to go crazy, he loved children. " So you must be Cenna." Said my aunt. Cenna nodded his head and my aunt looked him in the eyes to tell if he was a nice boy or not a nice boy, but I'm pretty sure he was a nice boy if I was his girlfriend. " Protect my children." My aunt said. My aunt then left and me and Cenna were left alone with two babies. " So... Where do we start?" Cenna asked. I just looked at him. " We are now parents for a couple hours!" I said hugging him. He giggled. " I love your giggle Poppy." I said. " I love your smile Rose." Said Cenna. " Wow, I have a new nickname do I?" I asked. " Yep!" He Replied. Cenna and I let the babies out and we got onto the floor to start to play with them. Cenna kept giggling and it was so adorable. " Why you so cute Poppy?" I asked. " I don't know, ask my jeens that." Replied Cenna. " Ok Poppy." I giggled. " I'm Poppy!" Cenna said in the best voice witch made me giggle. " Stop being cute! Your giving me brain damage." I joked. " You give me more brain damage from your cuteness every single day." Cenna said. " Love you." I said. " Love you too." He said.

After a while we became tired and the twins fell asleep and so did we, we fell asleep on our bed and we stayed there.

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