Binge Day- Chapter 10

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I woke up feeling better than yesterday and Leah was sleeping on me, last night was just a normal night. " Leah..." I whispered. She whined and hugged me tight. " Come on Leah..." I whispered. I carried her downstairs and I put her down on the couch and she fell asleep again. Today was the day my bestfriends Jojo, Nick, and Adi came over for what we call' Binge Day'  Tal, Michael, and Anthony do it too because they're older and in college but we are still in High School. But now I realize would Leah let them be here?
It was 11:00 AM now and Jojo, Nick, and Adi just got here and when they walked threw the door they woke up Leah. " Ugh! Bye boys!" She yelled grabbing her pillow and blanket. " Is she ok bro?" Asked Nick. " Yeah, she is just tired, usually I wake her at 10:00 because we go to bed at 12:00 but last night we fell asleep at 2:00 AM." I Replied. " Oh ok." Said Nick. I kind of had a feeling Nick kind of liked Leah but he wouldn't steal her, would he?


I woke up alone in Cenna's bed and sighed, I'm alone... I went downstairs and it was 12:30 PM. " Hey boys!" I yelled. " Hey!" Everyone Yelled back and I smiled and waved. I walked to the kitchen to get some food so I grabbed some peanut butter and jelly sandwich's that Cenna made for me for when I woke up. " What are you guys watching?" I asked walking into the living room. " We're re-watching Stranger Things." Replied Jojo. " Ok, I watched it already too but bye, ima go play some video games." Said Leah walking upstairs. " What game are you going to play?" Asked Nick. " I don't know maybe some Minecraft." I Replied. I laughed. " Do we even have Minecraft?" Asked Cenna. " Yeah, I'm just bored so why not." I Replied. Cenna shrugged. " Ok." He said. I went upstairs to play Minecraft and I was building a castle.


I had an idea. A good one. I told the guys. " Are you guys ready?" Asked Cenna. Everyone nodded. We were going to scare Leah and I stole some of Leah's makeup from the bathroom downstairs and the guys did good makeup for me. " Ok, so your going to be on the floor in the kitchen so when she hears the bang she will come running." Whispered Nick. I went to the middle of the floor and laid there dead silent and Adi made a loud bang noise with a ring tone that sounded so real. Leah ran downstairs and Adi, Jojo, and Nick followed. " Oh my god!" She yelled. " What happened!?" Asked Jojo. " Cenna! Cenna! Cenna! Cenna answer me! Please!" Leah yelled. Leah started to cry and I felt bad but this was a prank. Leah picked my up onto her lap and shaked me. " Cenna!" She Yelled. " Answer me Poppy!" Leah yelled again hugging me so tightly. She cried ever harder and I couldn't help it no more. " Hi Leah." I said smiling. " Hi C-CENNA!" Leah yelled so loud and hugged me as tight as she could and cried. Everyone was laughing, even me. " I hate you guys!" Yelled Leah. " Do you hate me?" I asked. " Especially you!" Leah yelled and laughed and hugged me.

I wiped the makeup off with a little help from Leah, Nick, Jojo, and Adi and we all decided to watch a movie. " What movie?" I asked. " It!" Everyone Yelled. " It, it is." I said. I put on the movie and grabbed popcorn, Leah was scared of a lot of stuff in this movie so whenever she was scared I was there. I'm like her super hero in a way.

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