Chapter Four

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For what seemed like ages, it felt like it was just me and Claira in that bathroom, nothing else mattered to me except seeing her kind eyes beaming at me. It was like the only inhabitants on earth were us.

"So are you going to speak newbie or are you just going to stare at me? " Asked Claira with a hint of amusement in her voice as I continued to stare at her.

"Wait, you know Luke already?" I could hear Matt's voice ask curiously.

"Why of course I do!" Said Claira's voice as she walked towards me and I could feel her arm around my neck.

"Luke and I share the same love for Nirvana. And anyone who shares a love for Nirvana is a friend of mine"

"Well isn't that cute" Said a sarcastic voice which belonged to Kath.

I ripped my eyes away from Claira for the first time, now realising it was not just me and Claira in this world, and moved them to Kath who was standing a few feet away glaring at us both, her usual cigarette alight between her fingers.

"Wow Luke, getting in with all the girls aren't you?" Said Tweak patting me on the back.

I let out a quiet, pitable laugh.

"Well I'm afraid he's not going to be able to get in with me" Said Claira walking away to sit on the basin.


I could of swore at that moment that my heart had dropped all the way to my stomach. I had never felt this way before. It felt as though somebody was holding it and at any moment they would squish it too a pulp. It felt as if I was a few metres under water, but I couldn't get out- I was slowly drowning.

"Oh yeah. That's why you weren't here yesterday, right? You were with Dylan or whatever his name is..." Said Matt.

I could feel the grasp on my heart getting tighter...The little oxygen I had in my lungs leaving...

"It's Owen" Said Claira seriously "and yes, that's why I wasn't here yesterday. Owen took me...out"

"Out?" Smirked Matt "In other words so you two could have some...alone time"

"Shut up, Matt" Blushed Claira, turning away.


It felt real. It felt as though my heart had actually just burst into a million pieces inside of me and I had now become desperate for air underwater. My eyesight was becoming blurry and there was a thumping sound in my ears.

"How old is he this time?" I could just hear Tweak say.

"Twenty-four" I heard Claira say.

"Woah. That's pretty young for you, isn't it?"

"Does it really matter?"

I slumped down onto the ground, staring at the tiles. I really didn't know what I felt at the moment. I hadn't ever felt like this. It was like a mixture of feeling let down and anger. Although Claira and I had only had a short conversation once before now. Surely I couldn't have expected her to be in love with me after one conversation?

Slowly, my hearing came back and my eyesight became less blurry but I still had that squeezing feeling in my chestal area.

The first thing I saw as my eyesight came back was Kath staring at me. She looked away as soon as I returned her glance.

Kath stood up, dropping her cigarette on the ground then treaded on it.

"Alright, thats enough" Said Kath almost aggressively "I think we've heard enough of Claira's "love life" if you'd even call it that"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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