Chapter Three

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"Can't believe I ever slept with that psychopath"

It had been ten minutes since Kathy and her friends had left the bathroom and we had now spread out on the floor, too be honest, it was actually pretty comfortable just sitting here on the ground after I had stopped coughing and I wasn't as light headed. The conversation for the last ten minutes since thy had left consisted of Matt complaining about what a slut Kathy was.

"We know Matt, you've been complaining about it for what? An hour now" said Tweak lying on his back, smoking a new cigarette.

"But I must admit she's pretty fucking hot-"

Johnny grunted, his back against the bathroom wall.

"Yeah Matt, shut up nobody cares, we've heard it about a thousand times and anyway-"

Tweak sat up and grinned at me "It seems Krener has her eyes on newbie here"

Johnny grunted again staring at me, his eyebrow raised.

"So Luke, would you get with her?" Asked Tweak.

I squirmed uncomfortably where I was sitting. If I was totally honest, Kathy scared me a bit because of the strong reminder she gave me of Jane but up to a point I also had too agree with Matt...she was pretty but as soon as I thought this another picture came into my with shining blonde hair and bright green eyes...

"I guess...I mean she's pretty hot" I said after a moment, while my thoughts ran wild.

I looked over at Matt to see how he'd react, he just shrugged.

"We broke up almost a year ago and we haven't slept together in months" he said smoking.

"You guys have all...?" I asked looking around at everyone.

"Kath was my uh...first" Said Matt, lifting his cigarette away from his mouth.

Tweak and Johnny both nodded yes.

I was taken back for a moment, all of a sudden I felt really uncomfortable as though I was the odd one out.

"Don't worry about it Luke. If Kath gets her way which she pretty much always does, you won't be a virgin by the end of this year"

Glad was an understatement to how I felt when the final bell of the day rang. Although I had actually managed to make friends on the first day which was miraculous too say the least, the day had dragged on and had felt incredibly slow. It only felt longer to me when as I was sitting on the front steps of the school to get picked up and I checked my phone to see mom had sent me a text message.

MOM: Hey sweetie, I might be a bit late. Something came up. Just wait at the front of me I'll be there as soon as possible. Hope you had a good day at school. See you xx

I groaned loudly.

"Aw. Has poor Lukey been forgotten about?" Said a patronising voice in my ear.

I turned too my right too see Kath sitting right next to me, a cigarette in her pale hand.

"Oh. Hi" I said awkwardly. Kath seemed to enjoy watching me squirm as she decided to move even closer to me. Making me squirm even more, like a worm. She laughed.

"Oh God Luke. You act so awkward. Relax. I'm not going to attack you or anything...probably" She said casually as she smoked. As she said this an image with Jane with a crowbar suddenly popped into my head. "So what did that shit talker Matt say about me?" She continued "Probably told you I'm a slut, am I right?"

I sat still there for a moment and thought it might be unwise not to awnser her, so I shook my head. She laughed loudly, a crazed laugh while shaking her head. "That bastard. Of course he'd say that. Ever since I broke up with him he's been telling everyone that"

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