Chapter 1

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*Edd's POV*

I flip through the channels on my T.V, being bored out of my mind as I felt like there was nothing good on the television, flipping through channel after channel and nothing seemed to catch my eye. A bored sigh escaped my lips as I laid my cheek onto my palm I felt my eyes droop down from staring at the T.V. with nothing in mind. "There's nothing to watch." I groaned tiredly as I dropped the remote on the couch and leaned back against the couch, causing my cat, Ringo, to snap her head up in alert and let out a startling mix of a purr and mew. "Oh, sorry kitty." I chuckled apologetically, petting her head as a sign that it was fine. The gray tabby lowered her ears slightly and let out what seemed like an irritated grumble before laying her head back down on my lap, almost immediately falling asleep with her tail curled up to her nose. 

I chuckled one last time at her and sighed, looking back at the T.V. and thought, grabbing the remote again and shutting it off as I lost interest in watching T.V. "Hmph, guess I should sleep as well." I muttered tiredly as I yawned, leaning back against the couch once more and closing my eyes, immediately falling asleep just after closing my eyes, not hearing the faint sound of thunder and rain outside my window.

*Matt's POV*

Just a walk, he said, it will make you feel better he said, welp, just my luck then. I thought bitterly as the rain fell down hard and I happened to be caught in the middle of it. "He couldn't have just thrown me out when it was NICE out," I grumbled as I remembered that about how I was kicked out of my apartment by the manager. Apparently, he didn't want someone who was too obsessed with themselves that they forget to pay the bills. Hmph, at least he could've shown me some respect. I groaned as the rain poured down on top of my head, messing my hair up and tangling it as the wind blew. "Nooo! And I just got it fixed up." I pulled my hood over my head, hoping it would prevent any more damage to my hair. 

But, to my dismay, I felt the cold, hard drop of water hit my face, making me shiver a bit. "Oh? I didn't realize it would be this cold." I mumbled as I kept my hood pulled over my head, gripping tightly around the brim so it would also cover my face, hopefully. I whimper a little in frustration as it wasn't working, my hair was only getting messier by the minute and my face was getting drenched, along with my clothes. "Why me?" I groaned as I started to jog, trying to escape from the rain and hoping to find a place to stay. Please, for the love of God, let me run out of this storm just for the day. I practically begged myself as I frantically looked around, trying to find some shelter, until finally, I spotted a house with its light still on. Yes!  I mentally screamed in joy as I quickly ran up to it, stomping my way up the stairs to their porch and pounded against the door, not bothering to look at whose house it was.

*Edd's POV*

With only about 10 minutes of sleep, I jumped awake to the sound of pounding on my door. "WHAT!?" I cried out, startled as I sat up from my sleeping position, grumbling a bit in annoyance as I looked at the time. 1:30 A.M. I groan, frustrated that someone was willing enough to pound on my door at this time of night and this weather. "Ugh, who can this be?.." I growled tiredly as I heard the knocking again. "Yeah yeah I'm coming!" He snarled and went up to the door, not seeing Ringo already up to the door and scratching at it and meowing loudly. 

With a growl, I slammed the door open, scaring whoever it was as they jumped back and yelped. I grumbled and shouted angrily at the person. "IF IT'S THE HOUSE BILL I ALREADY PAID!" Soon, a flash of lightning hit, giving me a good look at the person who interrupted my slumber. 

"Matt?" The ginger man looked to be scared, possibly from my outburst, and had his hood pulled over his face and in a defensive pose. Upon hearing my voice, the pale man slowly looked up and stared at me in slight shock. "Edd? This is your house?" He questioned, his voice slightly silent due to the storm. "What are you doing out here? In this weather?" I asked, feeling slightly irritated about my sleep being interrupted but mostly concerned as I looked at Matt.

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