Last Call

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Hey guys!

This is something I created when I was having writer's block on Together (while it's a oneshot here, it's a multichapter on It's based on a prompt I found online and is also my first experimentation with angst.

I hope you guys like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Arrow or the prompt that inspired this


She felt him before she heard him.

After an especially long night, Oliver had forced her out of the foundry, staying behind for one last patrol. Digg had already left to be with Lyla, and Roy was with Thea. Felicity had just parked home, before realizing she left her keys in the Foundry. With a groan, she drove back. By the time she arrived, it was about an hour past midnight. Oliver was still on his patrol, leaving Felicity to quickly run into the Foundry, grab her keys, and check a few searches as well. She had just locked up, and started for her car when it happened.

A tingle played at the base of her neck, a second before she felt two hands reach out at her. One locked firmly around her waist, and the other around her mouth. She felt the rough hands wander slowly along the length of her arm before reaching the hand clutching her purse, and wrenching it out of her hands. Her training with Digg kicked in, as she jabbed her elbow into the attacker's ribs, forcing his grip to loosen, before stabbing the heel of her shoe onto the attacker's foot. The man stumbled backwards. He spat out a curse at her, as his hand moved behind toward his pocket. She didn't realize what had happened until the gun was in front of her, and the shot was echoing around her. Her hand flew to her shoulder, only to come back sticky, with blood. Her back collided with the nearest wall, as she slid down to the ground, desperate to relieve some pain from her buckled knees. She didn't realize the tears had fallen, until her eyes blurred from the pain.

She laughed deliriously at the irony. "I work with a vigilante every night, yet I'm going to die because of a mugger."



She glanced up, to find her attacker and purse gone. It was then that she remembered her phone was in her pocket today, as she'd opted to change in the foundry. With difficulty, she managed to maneuver around her injury to the best of her ability, until she reached it, dialing the number she knew by heart.

"Felicity?" A deep gravelly voice filled her ear, and she felt her mind begin to relax. Just the sound his voice did wonders to her demeanor.

"Hey, you still out on patrol?" She questioned, trying to hide the pain in her voice. He couldn't know. He would blame himself. He couldn't know.

"I'm finishing up. Everything okay?" Her answers, concern seeping into his voice, warming her heart.

"Yeah," she breathed out, "Everything's fine. I just wanted to check in, and make sure everything's going okay." She heard a soft, familiar thump, indicating he'd just landed on a roof.

"You just jumped onto a roof didn't you?"

The grin was evident in his voice has he replied, "Maybe."

She let out a shaky laugh. "You're going to get hurt one day Oliver."

"As long as I have you to worry about me, I'll be happy." She immediately stilled, hissing through clenched teeth. Pain flared from her shoulder, spreading across her body like a wildfire, reminding her that this was her last time to speak with him. So, she did.

"Oliver," she said her voice small, and overwhelmed with emotion, "you know I love you, right?" She heard him freeze. She could imagine the stiffness of his shoulders, the stubborn set of his jaw, as he rasped a whisper.


"I never wanted to say it over the phone. Well, I'm pretty I was never gonna say it at all. Not that it wasn't painfully obvious, Lord knows I have no control over my mouth. I've been in need of a brain to mouth filter all my life —"she stopped her verbal vomit. She couldn't afford to ramble. Words were too precious right now. "I'm horribly, desperately, head over heels in love with you, Oliver Queen." She didn't hold back. She told him everything. Because this was her last chance.

"I love how determined you are. How hard working. How much effort you put in to atone for sins that weren't even your own." The words were getting harder to speak.

"I love how caring and protective and loving you are. How you would do anything for your mother, your sister, your friends." Her breaths deepened, the oxygen moving too slow through her body.

"I love your scars. The symbols of your survival, your perseverance. Of how you didn't give up, no matter how easy it would have been to just let go." Pain filled her voice, every corner of her body lit up with fire.

"I love your eyes. How they light up when you see Thea. The fire they hold when you're determined. And the calm brightness they hold when you're truly and genuinely happy." Her eyes fluttered closed.

"I love you Oliver."

"And I want you to know, it's not your fault." She said softly.

"My fault?" Confusion laced his voice, before what she can only assume as realization took washed over him. "Felicity, where are you?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Her mouth was dry. She tried again.

"Felicity!" He barked. But it was drowned out by the pounding blood that rushed past her ears.

"I'm sorry," she managed to croak.

"FELICITY!" He shouted, his voice thick with emotion. Fear. Unmistakable fear.

"Tell everyone I'll miss them. Tell them I love them. Tell them it's not their fault either. Tell them to go on. You have to go on Oliver. You have to live."

"Felicity," his voice broke. He sounded so broken, her mind registered faintly. She tried to focus in on the sound of his fading voice. She summoned the strength the whisper four more words.

"I love you Oliver."

"FELICITY!" Oliver screamed.

But his pleas fell on silent ears, lost to the wind, along with his heart.

Prompt: Person B knowing they're undoubtedly about to die within the next few seconds, likely from the gaping wound they're bleeding out from. Instead of calling for help, they phone Person A and carry on a casual conversation as if nothing is wrong, making sure to mention how much they love them before their time runs out.

This was my first experimentation with angst, so please forgive if it isn't too good.

I really had fun with this prompt, so that being said, I hope you enjoyed it!

And I would love some feedback, as well as ideas and more prompts! I am honestly beginning to love prompt fics.

Review, Follow, Favorite, and keep laughing!

~ LoveToLaugh

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