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You were the one who trusted me
Despite the fact that we're both drowning in the deep sea
You look at me with hope and didn't give up
Those eyes of yours made my heart entrap

I know that a beautiful life awaits for you
Everyone will care for you the way that I do
So even I want to drown I swim to survive
Because if I didn't you wouldn't swim for a chance to be alive.

Breathless and tired
But that's nothing if I'm going to save you that I'd always admired
We both decided to build our ship
And sail to continue our journey without script

Being with you I forgot everything
I forgot that there are other people waiting for what you can bring
I enjoyed every sip of wines while we smiled to each other
A smile that destroyed my entire cover

After our journey, we have to keep our feet on the land
A land where I was just a noise while you are peaceful sound
They saw you and you walk towards them
I wanted to stop you but I only manage to touch your shirt's hem

I wanted to take you away
Because I know if you found someone better you would not stay
But I was too late to make you stop
Now I have to throw everything like a crap

You're talking and smiling to them like you used to be
The thought that you're better when you're with them kills me
Then I realized the trap in the sea that causes me to drown
Was nothing to your trap that cause my everything to fall down

Kayo ng mag edit. hahaha.char.

Buried Words Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon