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monday 、8:36am

as yooongi and hoseok walked to their first class, they bump into taehyung

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as yooongi and hoseok walked to their first class, they bump into taehyung. hoseok seemed a bit scared just by the way they were looking at each other. he cuts their eye contact, welcoming tae "HEY TAEHYUNG!!"

hobi walked in the class with tae, leaving yoongi standing outside the classroom. he sees jungkook in the hall ditching first period, since he saw him alone yoongi decided to ditch as well.

yoongi begins to walk towards jungkook, "AYE!..why you not in class, you shit head?"

jeon goes wide-eyed,"HYUNG! im sorry i just umm...was going to take a shit obviously." kook said rolling his eyes.

"just playing , boi where you headed?"

"i was about to walk to the shop" kook began walking towards the exit following behind him. they passed yoongi's first class seeing tae and hobi sitting together. making short eye contact with tae, making his heart stop for a second.


" babyboy~ come here.." yoongi slurs laying on the basketball court at the park. " im RIGHT here... hyung i got a question. are you high?" the younger one asks.

"your a fucking dumb JEON JEONGGUK.. of course, im so motherfucken high right now" yoongi slurring his words like he a snake. jungkook sat up and looked at suga and asked a more genuine question.

"why do you hate taehyungie?"

there was a long silence until yoongs said " i don't hate him, i just umm...something about that boy, gives me bad vibes, you feel? i mean he gives me the nastiest looks i ever got in my life but i don't know why?"

"so you like him!" kookie says and jumps up from where he was sitting gasping "you like him, oh my gosh! you hoe."

"okay first of all i didn't say i liked him and your the HOE. hes a bitch that's all i gotta say, so don't go around sayin shit like that. fuck that bitch... should we start going what time is it?" yoongi asks.

"ooh its 9:57am and promise me you'll go to my game today yoongi~!!" jeon says. yoongi nods getting up from the floor still feeling high like a fly.

"oh my god!! i'm gonna get in trouble their gonna notice i'm HIGH and imma get kicked off the team and i can't be HOSEOKs HOE!!" jungkook began to panic. yoongi began to walk back to school since it was not even a block away.

"your over reacting" yoongi rolling his eyes,"just go with it and don't look like to much of a druggie. fix yourself."

the began to walk back to the school, "how you gonna smoke and get scared thinking you finna get caught?"

"honestly i don't know, i just like it" jeon chuckles softly.

"honestly i don't know, i just like it" jeon chuckles softly

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chapter. more coming soon.


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