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yoongi woke up to the sound of his alarm, he threw his pillow at the alarm but it kept beeping so he left it and went back to sleep

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yoongi woke up to the sound of his alarm, he threw his pillow at the alarm but it kept beeping so he left it and went back to sleep. before he knew it his door swung open, yoongi looked up to see jungkook looking at him.  "will you get your lazy ass up before we're late again...and you know what happened last time." 

yoongi looked up to see jeon frustrated, so he decided to get up and throw his pillow at him.  "will you calm down kook, I wanted to rest a little longer." yoongi picked his clothes and walked to the bathroom but stopped at the door frame. 

" and what did I say about barging in my room without permission!?" yoongi looked at the youngling, who was looking down at the floor. "oops, sorry." yoongi closed the door and showered while jungkook was mimicking him. "you better go make breakfast instead of mimicking me."

jungkook paused then ran downstairs, after 30 minutes Yoongi came down the stairs and turned on the TV. yoongi turned to see the maknae who was eating at the table,"hurry and eat, we don't have enough time." 

yoongi looked at him and sat at the table and started to eat. they finished and cleaned up, yoongi grabbed their bags and then locked the door. they walked to the car and got in, yoongi  was in the drivers seat since jeongguk wasn't eligible to drive yet.  "hyung let me drive, ain't you tired from the party."

yoongi looked at kook and chuckled,"you can't even move the joystick into drive." 

jungkook gave yoongi a pout and sat in silence the whole ride to the school.

jungkook got out of the car and ran to go find his friends, yoongi sighed and locked the car. he walked towards the school but came to a stop. taehyung was looking at him but turned away, yoongi was walking to him until he felt a push. he turned around to see hoseok behind him.

"WHA- hoseok why'd you do that." yoongi said sounding a little annoyed.  jhope stepped back and smiled,"sorry , hey are you coming to the game today?"

"game, what game are you talking about?" yoongi said confused.

"You forgot, the soccor game..me and jeon are playing today."

yoongi stared at hoseok until he remembered,"oh yea I forgot sorry, but yea i'll try to make it."

jhope looked at yoongi,"you have to...you never go to any jungkook's games."

yoongi looked at jhope and nodded.  hobi jumped up and smiled, yoongi smiled and looked at the school. the bell rang, they walked inside going straight to class.

 the bell rang, they walked inside going straight to class

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3/5/18 @10:53pm


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