Oh Baby Baby {Bonus Chapter}

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Hey guys, guess what? I have been offered a chance to possibly get my book noticed on Inkitt! Because of this, I had to post the newest bonus chapter for BTBB on there first! I know how much you guys have been looking forward to it, and it's here! 

And guess what? Inkitt is FREE! 

Here's the first couple lines of the chapter! Hope you enjoy!


"Damon, why is there a three year old standing in the living room?"

Coming home from a long day of work and school, the last thing I would have thought to find standing in beside the glass coffee table in the living room was a three year old girl. Her dark hair hung in two loose french braids down her back, green eyes widening by the second as she stared at me in the doorway, my red coat hanging off my arm halfway to the coat rack."


Wanna read the rest? Just hit this link here and you'll find the ENTIRE chapter! In doing this, I get the chance to possibly get published thanks you all of your wonderful people! I love you guys! 

Here's the link


Love you guys! Thank you so much for your continuous support! 


Playing With Fire (Previously Burning The Bad Boy) (UNDER RECONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now