Distance // 28

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Like, I don't think you understand how awfully happy it makes me, and every notification, every time I see the views on my chapters, it just makes my heart very happy. It's such a thrill to know you're reading what I have had inside my head and decided to write it down. I'm really thankful for you just reading this and enjoying what I write.

I hope you are enjoying it....

And sorry if it took so long to come with another chapter, but I just had a very busy week.


Lance's POV


It was one month ago Keith left.

It was simple; we needed to go for a mission and I protested every second of it. But Allura is even stronger than I already thought and she practically dragged me by the ear out of Keith's room. I had spent a lot of time there, just watching him sleep and stir now and then and it would happen that he asked for water and I would fly to the kitchen to get some.

I don't exactly know when he happened to wake up and act awfully normal, but I was just happy he didn't turn pink again. I don't know what happened after his violent shaking moment and what he dreamed about, but I do know I don't like it. At all. I didn't like it then, and I had my predictions that something would occur.

This occurred. Coran was frantically shouting in our intercoms, telling us to retreat to the castle immediately, because apperantly Keith left. He was specifically telling Coran where he was going but he knows we can't reach him anyways. He will always be out, drifting into open space and fighting and protecting and it won't be with us. Not with team Voltron. Not anymore.

Coran couldn't stop him from joining the Blade of Marmora. Not that he didn't want to stop him, just that he couldn't. Keith was gone before he could even react, is what Coran agitatedly yelled at us when we burst into the control room.

Shiro was having a silent and discreet breakdown, I think. He was breathing sharply and weirdly and his face looked grey, drowned in shadows. Pidge was cursing something fierce and it sent a clump of worry inside my stomach that Shiro didn't even blink. Hunk was everywhere in the castle, screaming and wheezing.

I locked myself inside my room. And didn't come out for a good amount of time. Inside I spent the rest of the week staring out my window and talking with myself in front of my mirror in my bathroom. It's sad, really. I don't know how crazy I must have looked, telling myself how I'm feeling and what a jackass Keith is. I punched the wall twice but both of the times I yelped because of the pain and the throbbing it sent to my hand. I needed to talk to myself because I could barely last one hour being silent. I doubted the other's would want to listen to my blabbering on what an idiot Keith is.

Oh God, what the hell has he done...

He shattered the team with his absence.


I sigh as I tap my foot inside Red's hangar. There is this high level of boredom inside me and I don't know what to do to occupy my mind with something.

Everywhere is red around me. I look at my armor to see the blue parts of it turning slightly purple. I bite my lip and grip my own arms to hold onto something solid. My head is spinning.

"We can't find the gem", Pidge informs me and Shiro that are currently keeping guard and making sure not to be attacked on this awfully glittery planet.

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