B.O.M 14

82 3 0

Chris POV
I sat my phone beside me as soon as I hung up the phone. I was going through a lot of different emotions right now. Anger, sadness, emptiness, and also a little tiny bit of happiness.
I wasn't happy because we broke up. No, not at all. I was happy that my life was going to be better in so many ways. No more fighting and feeling like I have to walk around egg shells. But also, I felt like this relationship was going down the same path my past relationships had went down. It was becoming toxic.
I needed to stop it while we were ahead of it all. I didn't want to have to go down the path a third time and then I'm the bad guy when shit goes wrong. No, that's not going to happen this time around.
But that still didn't mean I wasn't going to feel hurt about the situation afterwards. I'm trying to fight back tears right now. It's not easy. But I'm going to have to put on a brave face. I have shit to do today and I wasn't going to let my personal life affect my job as an entertainer again.
I decided to take a shower. I wanted to be early today. I grabbed my things and took a shower. I had thought I only took a 30 minute shower but, turns out I took an hour shower. The whole time I was just standing underneath the shower head and letting the water run off my body.
I quickly got dressed then ran out to my car. Since I had took that hour shower, I was going to end up just on time for my meeting.
As I sped to the building where the meeting was being held, my phone rang. I looked over at the screen. I saw Nia's name. I sighed answering the phone.
"Where are you at?" She asked angrily.
"Umm, on my way to a meeting. Why?"
"You're supposed to have Royalty today. We're outside your house right now." I sighed. I know that if I don't go back to get Royalty, I'll never hear the end of this from Nia. But if I bring Royalty to the meeting, she'd be bored and she'd run around like she usually does when I take to rehearsals and shit.
"I'm on my way." I mumbled making an uturn.
"Hurry the fuck up. I have some where to be." She shouted before hanging up the phone. I rolled my eyes and sped back to the house. Sure enough, Nia was waiting at the door. But, Royalty no where in sight.
"What the fuck, Nia? How you lose my child?"
"I didn't dumbass."
"Where she at then?"
"At my house."
"What the fuck? Nia you need to tell me what the fuck is going on quickly. I have some where to be. And it's important."
"Did you break up with the girl named after the ice cream place?" I stared at her.
"That girl. Her name was Ri- Rita. I think."
"And if I broke up wit her, why does it concern you?"
"Royalty seems to really like her. She's been asking about her for a while. Can you take her to see her or something? I'm tired of her crying about her and shit."
"I can't take her. But you can."
"Dumb ass, I don't know her. Let alone, I don't like that you had her around my child." I rubbed my hand across my face.
"We aren't together no more. And it's best for the both of us that we don't see each other. Now you in the other hand, y'all don't have no real beef. Y'all can meet up or something."
"Chris, you better think of something before I hurt your daughter. I'm tired of her crying out for her like she's her mother or something. This is why I don't want you to bring your hoes around my daughter."
"She's not a hoe."
"If she's not a hoe, she should've been in your life longer than a half of year, dumbass." She started to get in her car.
"I knew her longer than 6 months. I knew her for yeeaaarrs. We only dated for 6 months. If you wanna yell bout something, have your facts correct." She looked at me and smiled.
"Find our what you're doing dumbass. Our daughter's happiness is in jeopardy." I watched as she sped off. I rolled my eyes and looked at the time. 2:35
"Fucking great. Now I'm late to the meeting." I mumbled getting back into the car.
Even though i was late, I wasn't going to speed. I didn't feel like it. And I already have that "bad boy" image. They would think it's apart of my act or some shy like that.
I pulled up to a red light and closed my eyes for a millisecond. Then I felt the whole car jerk forward. I opened my eyes and looked in the rear view mirror and saw the car behind me smashed in.
"Fuck." I mumbled. I quickly checked myself and then got out the car to see what happened.
My tail light on the passenger side was out of place and there was dent that pushed in the trunk. "Fuck." I mumbled again. I looked over at the other car and took in the damage. Sighing, I took a picture of the damage to my car and then their car. The person got out and did the same thing. I looked up at the person and realized they looked familiar.
"Chris?" She asked.

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