B.O.M 15

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Rita POV
I rushed to the hospital. I ran up to the desk and looked at the nurse behind it. She was on the phone but she looked up at me almost immediately.
"How can I help you?" She asked after putting the person on the phone on hold.
"Hi, I'm, my sister was admitted to the hospital after getting into an accident. Her name is Elena Ora."
Elena had called me about 45 minutes and told me she was in an accident. She told she was being taken to the hospital so she could get checked out. Just to make sure everything was ok.
Even though she told me not to come to hospital, I still wanted to make sure my sister was ok. Knowing her, she probably didn't even want to tell me she was in an accident. She definitely wouldn't tell me whether she really ok or not.
"She's in room 305." She pointed the down the hall. "It's the last door on your right." I mumbled a thank you and then walked as quickly as possible to her room. I knocked on the door.
"Come in." I heard her say. I opened the door and looked at her. She was sitting in the bed facing away from me. But she turned around quickly after I had stepped into the room. She had a happy but worried look on her face. But I wasn't going to pay it any mind.
"Oh my gosh, Elena. Are you ok?" I pulled her into a tight hug.
"I guess. Nothing really hurts. That was until you started hugging me." I let go of her and looked at her. "Uh, what ya doing here?" She asked.
"I came to see my sister. Duh. You just got into an accident. I wanted to check up on you. Was that such a bad thing to do."
"No, no, no. I thank you for coming and everything. But, you didn't need to come. Seriously."
"Nonsense, Elena. As your sister, I should come every time you need me."
"Rita, I didn't need you right now. I'm coming right back home. There's nothing wrong with me."
"You needed a ride home though."
"There's a thing. Called Uber. I would've took that."
"But since I'm here, I'll take you. Right?" She stared at me silently then nodded.
"Yeah. Thank you Rita."
"No problemo." We sat silently for a couple of minutes before someone knocked on the door. We both looked at the door.
"Shit." She mumbled.
"Can i come in?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I looked at Elena. She sighed.
"Yeah." She mumbled. The door opened. I looked over at it. Chris stood there with a tray of food. Well, actually, he had two trays of food. He looked at me quickly then back at Elena.
"Shit." He mumbled.
"What the fuck?" I asked standing up. "Why's He here?" I asked angrily.
"Rita, calm down." Elena said.
"Calm down? Bitch, I can't calm down. The dumbass that broke my heart is in your room right now like everything is fine and dandy."
"Everything isn't fine and dandy." Elena said. I looked over at her.
"Why is he here?"
"Because I hit his car. He was the other person in the accident." Elena shouted. "He isn't here for no type of games or something. He's here because he cares."
"The dumbass doesn't care about anyone else but himself." I mumbled. Chris sighed.
"Uh, i got a turkey sandwich for you because I remember Rita saying y'all don't eat pork. And I didn't think you'd want peanut butter and jelly. So, yeah. And you got water and ginger ale. Didn't know what you wanted with that either. But I did get you that donut you wanted. It was the last one they had." He handed Elena a tray.
"Thanks." She beamed. She bit into the turkey sandwich and smiled. "My favorite." She muttered with mayonnaise laying on the side of her mouth.
"No problem." He coughed slightly. "I should go back to my room now. I'll talk to you later, yeah?" Elena nodded and waved as Chris left the room.
"Now who is it that only cares about their self?" Elena asked with a raised eyebrow.
"He never cared about my feelings. Dumbass broke off our thing."
"What thing?"
"Our 'relationship'."
"Bitch, that was over way before it started."
"What you mean?"
"You were hurting him and he was hurting you. Why were y'all even together."
"I never hurt him."
"Whatever you say."
"What was I doing?"
"Hmm, let me think. You pick and choice fights."
"I don't."
"Yes you do Rita. All that shit that you just did, was unnecessary as fuck. Chris came in here like a great citizen. Didn't cause a scene or nothing. But as soon as you saw him, you wanted to act like a fucking fool."
"He broke my heart."
"Don't you think his heart is broke too."
"He broke up with me though."
"Technically, y'all weren't really together." She shrugged.
"But how is both of our hearts hurting if we weren't together?"
"Because you love him and he loves you. Y'all just don't know how to act like it. Y'all need to learn how to love each other the right way."
"You think he's willing to take another chance?"
"I don't know, Chris, are you willing?" I looked back at the door. Sure enough, Chris was standing there. He looked at me before biting his lip.
"Just one more time. Then if it don't work, it'll be it. For real."
"It'll work. I promise." I mumbled. He smiled.
"You know, I wasn't the only Brown that was missing you." He said. I raised my eyebrow.
"Who else was missing me?"
"Royalty." I smiled.
"I missed her too."

Two chapters, one day!! How exciting. Hopefully another chapter will come soon.

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