"Yeah, Spring is hell for her. The doctor says she may grow out of it though."

"I hope so. Does she act like me?"

Beyoncé smiled and looked at Blue. "Yes. She is literally your little twin, a female version of you. The facial expressions you make, the way you sleep, the way you talk with your hands, the things you eat, the way you walk around with one fist balled up, everything. I see you in her so much it's unreal."

"Aw man," I smiled feeling my heart flutter. "What about you?"

"Attitude and appetite, that's about it."

"Okay." I chuckled. "I see her and Karim Get along."

"Yup, he loves her and she loves him. I get jealous sometimes." She giggled. "She'll choose him over me."

"That's crazy. Text me her clothes and shoes sizes, I want to buy her some stuff."


"Daddy, I sleepy." Blue whined.

"You sleepy?" I repeated.

"Mhm." She nodded and I picked her up. She put her face in my neck and eventually fell asleep. Bey snapped a quick picture before showing me where her room was.

"Daddy's little girl." I whispered as I just watched her sleep. She was the most precious thing that I've ever laid my eyes on. "I promise to protect you at all costs. I promise to be here no matter what. I promise to be the best father that I can be."

Every time I looked at her, I was reminded of everything I had missed. It only made me angry. I still couldn't believe Beyoncé did me so grimy.

I kissed Blue's forehead before leaving the room. Bey was sitting in the living room watching tv.

"You want anything?" She asked me.


"You sure?"

I sucked my teeth. "I said nah didn't I?"

She hopped up fast. "First of all, all of this hostility is unwarranted."

"Whatever. Watch out so I can leave."

She ignored me. "You just going to maintain this pissy attitude, huh?"

"Beyoncé, I have every fucking right. Now can you get out of the way before I have to move you my damn self."

"You and these freaking threats. Stop threatening me, Shawn."

"Stop making me!" I yelled. "If you just move your dumb ass out the way, I won't have to threaten you."

"Name calling?" She asked. "How fucking childish. Are we grown or are we children?"

"You're about to piss me off." I mumbled. "I know we not talking about childish. You don't want to go there with me."

"Can you give it a rest?"

"Can I leave?"

"One minute you trying to kiss on me and the next minute I'm a dumb ass and you ready to swing, right?"

"I thought I told you that this ain't about us anymore." I said followed by rolling my eyes.

"Then we need to move on for the sake of our child."

"I don't gotta move on from shit, yo. Straight up. Ima hate yo ass until the day I die."

I saw the hurt in her eyes, but I didn't budge. "You're taking it too far, but ok. Whatever. You can leave then. Fucking ass hole." She mumbled the last part, but I heard her. I just chose not to respond.

"Thank you." I said dramatically before brushing past her to leave. I know I won't really hate her until I die, but she was getting on my nerves.

I left her house and grabbed some food before going home. I walked in and heard voices.

"Bout time, nigga." Nas said holding one of my beers in his hand.

"I was with my child. Something you don't know about."

"Nigga, I got a child too. Two of them technically."

"You ain't shit, Nas. On mommies, you ain't. You're a sorry excuse for a father."

"Woahhh, chill. Y'all." Tyran said being the peacemaker per usual.

Nas laughed. "This nigga been a daddy for a few days and think he the shit."

"I did more shit in those few days than you ever have. And how old is June?"

"Jay, shut up."

"Fuck you."

"Hey, what's the problem?" Emory asked coming in.

"Shit, ask this lady right here. He walked in the house and started bitching at me like some type of female."

"Just get out." I said rubbing my temples. "Give me the damn keys too. All of y'all niggas, yo."

"What I do, nigga?" Ty asked.

"Nothing, I'm just done with this shit. Why y'all never home? Why y'all gotta hang here? The shit stops today. Give me the keys and don't bring no more drugs through my door."

The HU$TLE {FIN}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora