Chapter 10 -- Time

Start from the beginning

    "You know why I did that.  How else could I save you?"

    "I understand, but people will ask questions.  When people start acting strange, what will you do then?  You play with our minds; you're going to have to accept the consequences.  And the blame.  And the guilt." 

    "I knew what I was doing."

    "Did you Jane? Do you?"

    Captain said it far too calmly, far too patiently.  Jane's jaw tightened.

    "I can help you.  This planet brings out the worst in all of us.  The readings from the birds were – disappointing.  The particles are everywhere. Not enough to take out something electrical, but there are enough to mess with it.  We're going to use the mechs to salvage what we can from the Holiday, but they won't last long.  I don't trust these military guys.  Jane, make sure you come back for us.  Make sure you keep power consumption to a minimum.  And don't fly above one hundred meters—we can't let that shield take out the transport. Here comes Faringoth now.  He'll explain the rest to you." Captain became silent, but he still stared at Jane.  It was like back in the interview, so long ago, a world away, and Jane felt just as insecure now as she did then.  What was going through his mind?

    Captain spoke quickly as Faringoth approached, his words fading proportionally to Faringoth's proximity. "Whatever happens, come back to us Jane." Captain left nodding to Faringoth as they passed each other. 

    "Hallowell." Faringoth stopped in front of Jane.  There were two other soldiers, one to his left and another to his right, but Jane couldn't look at them.  She kept her focus on Faringoth.  "How would you like to be addressed?"

    Jane was confused. Somehow, she had the feeling she was in trouble. 

    "See, I can't go around calling you Hallowell because that's your brother.  So what would you like me to call you?"

    Jane suddenly understood.  "Um, just Jane."  It sounded like both a question and a statement. 

    "Well, Just Jane,"  As Faringoth said it, Jane thought: yeah, just Jane, that's me.  "Here is your update, and I'm only going to say this once.  We've separated into two groups.  First group is going garbage picking through the wreckage of the Holiday.  Lucky for you, you are part of the second group, part of our group.  We are going to those buildings for supplies: water, tools, anything we can scrape together, and possibly to find a way to disable that shield.  I've organized our people into teams.  You are part of team five.  Here are the other members of your team:  Ibber, Harris."  The two men standing beside Faringoth nodded when they heard their names.  Harris was the man who had handed Jane her applesauce, he was about Jane's height and lean like Jane.  Ibber was a giant of a man, even bigger than her brother Michael, and he was the one Jane had kneed in the nose.  Jane cursed her rotten luck.  "Harris will explain the mission to you.  He will also give you your equipment package.  We leave in thirty minutes.  Any questions?"

    "No."  Jane replied.

    "Oh, and to remind you,"  Faringoth was looking at Harrris when he said this, but then turned back to Jane for the rest.  "Comm protocol is simple.  Activate visuals only when necessary.  Speak when you're spoken to and make it quick.  Otherwise, shut up.  Understood?"


    Faringoth gave a quick smile before going back to his usual look.  Then he walked away.

    Jane looked from Harris to Ibber.

    "Good morning." Harris greeted.  "Which would you like first?  The briefing or the suit?"  He held out a black bag.

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