Thank you

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Thomas had lunch with his friends at school. Newt didn't answer to his message but Thomas thought that maybe he didn't have any ideas for the project too. So, he didn't bother him more.

,, Let's talk about new people." Teresa offered.

,, Okay. Who's the first one?" Minho asked.

,, That weirdo. Newt."

Thomas didn't know did Teresa do it on purpose or was Newt just first new person who came into her mind.

,, He's weird." Minho said.

,, Yeah. He can't talk normally and he always sweats. That is weird." Brenda agreed.

,, Maybe he has cancer?" Winston offered.

,, Not sure. But something is definitely wrong with him." Teresa said.

,, He wanted to talk to me yesterday." Zart said.

,, What did you do?" Brenda asked quickly.

,, I looked at him weirdly and walked away."

,, Right dare." Minho said. ,, You never know what you can get from them."

,, What do you mean?"

,, Some disease or something like that."

,, Talking about the disease, there's Newt." Teresa said and pointed on the other side of the canteen.

Newt was there, holding his plate with food and looking for an empty seat.

,, There's Gally." Zart said.

,, He's gonna do something." Teresa said.
,, I'm sure about that."

Newt started walking but Gally put the leg to him in advance. Newt stumbled behind it and fell to the ground. Everyone started laughing.

,, Look at this moron." Brenda said.

,, He's about to cry like a baby."

Thomas couldn't take it more. He jumped up and went to Newt who still sat on the floor, eyes wet and didn't know what to do.

Thomas took a bunch of napkins and started cleaning the floor. Newt stood up and helped him. Thomas heard his breathing. He was really close to crying. Then Thomas saw that there was some food on Newt's hoodie too.

He threw dirty napkins into the trash and took new ones to clean Newt.

,, Be still." He said to him. Newt didn't expect that, but he stayed still.

,, Thank you." He whispered.

Thomas looked at him. The boy really meant it.

,, No problem."

When the hoodie was clean, Thomas took the brush and the scoop and swept the fragments together.

When everything was ready and clean Thomas asked from Newt:
,, Are you okay?"

Newt nodded.

,, Good."

They walked out of the canteen.

Everything happened in deep silence.

* * *

At the end of the school day, Thomas saw how Newt walked towards his home. He followed him.

,, Newt, wait!"

The boy winced and turned around.

,, Hey, why are you wincing all the time?" Thomas asked.

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