27) capture and fear.

Start from the beginning

Before you knew it, you suddenly felt faint, as if you couldn't breathe through your mask. You felt a painful lump rise from your throat and tears spill over from your eyes, trailing down your cheeks. Your hand paused in mid-air, and began to quake uncontrollably.

You slowly turned away, making sure your back was facing Kirishima's. He was basically the same age as you, yet he was literally being tortured to near death right in front of your eyes. He didn't do anything to deserve this treatment at all. He just wanted to attend his dream school. You felt a phantom tingle in your body, as if any remnant of the shock collar decided to act against your body at that very moment. 

You carefully removed your mask to look up at Izuku, who immediately stood up straight when he noticed your red, puffy tear-stained face.

You only managed to choke out a strangled sentence as your voice was increasingly overpowered by your sobs. 

"I don't think I can do this, Deku."


Tomura rested his chin against the palm of his hand. "(Name) is too sensitive."

Midoriya punched his shoulder and huffed, crossing his arms in response.

"But Tomura is right ya-know... Crying doesn't sound cute at all," Himiko stuck her tongue out and laid her head on the countertop.

"So what? She's still fairly new to this, I'm sure after enough exposure she'll get used to it. But for now, nobody touches Kirishima unless its to help him, my orders," Midoriya tapped his foot against the floor impatiently.

"You sure its not (Name)'s orders~? Of course not! You're an independent strong man!" Twice exclaimed from the seats across the room. Toga lifted a finger in agreement with the first sentence and sheepishly lowered it when Midoriya glared daggers at her.

"She's just resting in the room right now, she'll be out for dinner," Midoriya sighed and took his seat between Tomura and Himiko. There was a moment of silence as everyone contemplated about their own problems- except Midoriya, who was thinking of you. Himiko let out a frustrated harrumph and leaned back, throwing her arms up. Unfortunately, an unsuspecting Kurogiri was right behind her by the bar, and her hand made contact with his shoulder. He staggered and crashed into the shelf, sending bottles of wine and champagne glasses crashing onto the floor.

The whole room went silent as everyone stared at Kurogiri and Himiko, who was already making a run for the door.

Midoriya stretches his arm out and grabs her by the collar of her sweater. "Where do you think you're going?"

"My glasses..."

"I'M SORRY! TWICE! HELPP--!" She flailed around as her feet left the ground. Twice jumped up from his seat and began running towards the two, only to be stopped by Tomura holding a hand out in front of him. 

"No dinner for a week and your allowance is going to Kurogiri. Twice, if you touch her you're going to be contributing to the recovery funds too," Tomura menacingly stated. Toga wailed as she threw a fit, saying how it was 'so not cool', while Twice seemingly flickered between obedience and defiance.

The chaos in the room ensued for a long while, with All Might and a few other villains popping in to see what the noise was about. Everyone was chiding Himiko for her actions, and the atmosphere was once again lively in the bar room.

Practically everyone was there, except...



You sniffled and wiped your nose against your forearm. You were pretty shaken up by seeing the horrible condition that Kirishima was in, and you shuddered thinking about it again. You could hear cheers and boos from across the building, and you suspected that everyone was most probably gathered in the bar room having fun. You let a slight smile flicker across your lips, but bundled yourself tighter in your blankets. You reached for your phone and mindlessly scrolled through it to take your mind off whatever was haunting your thoughts.

A sound of a door opening and closing gave you a jolt. You thought everyone was in the bar room, but turns out someone didn't join the fun after all. You tried to recognize the footsteps to identify the debbie downer, but it was erratic, as if someone was deliberately walking quietly to not attract the attention of others. You frowned, wondering who was acting so suspiciously. You listened as the footsteps walked past your door, and you quietly opened your room door to take a look. It was too late, however, for all you caught was a smudge of sandy-blonde hair as they turned around the corner.

Confused if you were just imagining things, you closed the door and returned to your bed. You continued to scroll through until you came across a forum post that sent an ice-cold chill down your spine.


You curiously clicked on the comments to see what the people commented. Would they say anything about seeing you guys? About Izuku? Maybe even you?

"The League of Villains strike again.. this is too much.. I can't believe they're targeting our nation's hope for the future now..."

"Do you think they've killed him or are holding him hostage? I wonder what they'll demand from us in exchange for him"

"LMFAOOO he's probably dead though poor kid... If All Might was still no. 1 he would probably have saved him already"

"What's with Yuuei kids and the news? Wasn't there one who got caught fighting with Hibiscii and sent him to jail?"

You briefly paused at the comment, knowing it was referencing the fight you had with your dad. Your eyes trailed up to stare blankly as you thought back to the crowd of onlookers that had gathered during your destructive scene.

Instinctively, you snickered. You're glad he was put behind bars once and for all. Your phone vibrated and you see the notification at the top.

"Izuku ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧: We're ordering dinner. Come over before we get something you don't like."

Leaping to your feet, you made your way to the bar room, with the earlier confusion now forgotten, replaced by the idea of dinner.

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