I nodded "Oh yes, we do know one another. People, call me holder of shikaku, and many other things, sand legend-" I tooted my own horn and winked at her, "But I suppose, you can call me Sophie." I grinned.

Amy's eyes bulged and her pupils dilated, she almost chocked on her cereal that was half way down her throat. "Oh," was all she managed to strangle out as she dabbed sprays of milk that covered her lips.

"What-what are you doing here?" Amy continued, then slurped her tea loudly.

"I, have been recruited to help your well being. To crack that little hatch of memories wide open to the world," I gestured around the kitchen with my hand, "-if I can." I added swiftly.

Amy started at me with questions swirling in her eyes, "And how are you going to do that?" She asked.

I smiled, "In a way I only know how."


I led Amy onto the training grounds, and took her to a place where the trees stood tall and strong.

"Now what I'm going to tell you to do is something you have already learned, as is everything I will try to teach you. Before we even knew we had special qualities, this was one of our very first training expeditions."

Rustling through my bag I grabbed the spiky objects I was looking for.

I flashed them in Amy's face, grinning.

"Shuriken throwing."

Using a knife, I quickly engraved circles into the bark of the tree to resemble a target.

"Throwing Shuriken can be difficult. You need to focus, imagine it hitting the target." Saying this I picked up one of the spiked instruments and snapped my hand back.

It hit the target.

"Try it how I did it." I instructed any, handing her her own Shuriken.

She nervously shifted from foot to foot, "Ever since I woke up my chakra flow has been a little out of balance...I don't know how much I'll be able to do..."

"Amy, Shuriken throwing isn't about chakra flow. It's about steady throwing, knowing angles, direction of the wind. You can do this, all you need to do is try."

Amy nodded and fiddled with the shuriken. "Ok." She said.

It took Amy a few try's to get the hang of the wind direction. Today the wind was unfortunately fluctuating, there was some strong gusts but also some small. That also threw Amy off when she did get the hand of throwing it.

"You're doing great, see told you, your getting the hand of it." I said to Amy.

"I suppose so," Amy muttered, "I guess it's getting easier than I originally thought it to be."

I nodded and grabbed another object out my bag, "Now kunai, same as shuriken, only this can be used as a knife. Just throw and hit the target. Once you hit that target, we are going to move to attack tactics." I explained.


"Alright!" I slapped my hands together, "Four laps around the pitch, defence training, another four laps and then, I'm going to try to kill you. Ok? Got it? Good!"

I slapped my hand over the back of her head, making her eyes focus bad dazzled expressions loosen.

"What are you still standing here for?" I continued, "MOVE!"

Amy cringed away from me and bolted in the wrong direction. I whacked my forehead and sighed, "You're going the wrong way!"

Once two laps around the wide pitch, I started screeching over the howls of the wind.

"While on missions you need to run everywhere!" I explained, "There is no other means of transport that you can take, so you always need your physical fitness to be 110 percent. Forever, and always."

Amy puffed out her answer.

"And let's be honest, you're a little out of shape." I replied.

Giving Amy a bottle of water after four laps I started to explain the ways to defend.

"During a fight, you always need to try your best to defend yourself from your attacker. Crossing your arms, like this," I crossed my arms in an X motion "This will give you added strength to defend your face and torso. Also you can push your attacker back. You need to be strong, you don't want to be defending and your attacker has better bone structure, no! So get plenty of vitamins into your body and start doing push ups and planks! Fish, red meet, chicken and quorn, this foods will give you plenty of what your body needs. You'll need to find a space in your day to do some training at the gym, weight lifted, squats, boxing. Things that will help you in a fight if you can't use your jutsu's or your chakra level is to low to use." I took a brief pause to let that information sink in.

"Training weights! You'll want to be wearing them around your legs, torso or wrists during the day. Once you learn to fight expertly with them on and move fast and agile, just imagine what you can do once you take them off. See Rock Lee about that. You'll also need plenty of sleep. Less sleep, less able you are so no late night watching movies or having late night chats with a special guy friend."

As I let that other load of information sink in, I chucked padding for her at her face.

"Don't want that pretty little face of yours getting hurt, so put the padding on."


Two hours later and Amy was covered with cuts, scrapes and bruises. Puffing out her breaths she held into her knees for support, making sure she didn't fall over.

Taking a big glug of water Amy then stood straight and groaned, "How much more?"

I grinned at her exhaustion, "We're done for today, go home, eat, have a bath and sleep. We have plenty more to do tomorrow so be rested."


WELL!!! There you go guys! An update a day earlier than I originally expected it to be! Are you glad? I am, anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, unfortunately I did find it hard to think up some thoughts for this chapter but here it is anyway!

One last thing, please try and comment if you can, I love hearing from you guys it literally makes my day, anyway read, enjoy? Comment???

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