learning new things...

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Sophie’s POV

“Then...then who are you?” I asked.

“Well, first off, my name isn’t Alison, my name is Yuuka...I was...assigned you could say to protect you two, no matter what” she said.

“...Tell us more, we need to hear everything” Amy said.

“I use to be in the anbu black ops, but I quit...I am now, taking care of you...”

“Why did you quit?”

“I...didn’t want to be there anymore...”

“What do you really look like?”

She stood up and suddenly smoke came out like a burst and then, there she was, who she really looked like.

Gaara’s POV

She looked just like the doctor that helped Sophie and Amy.

“You that...”

“Doctor? Yes” she nodded, finishing for me.

“When Zabuza attacked, I put you all under a sleeping spell, which is one of my jutsus; I can take over your body by one click of my fingers. I can make your nerves go dead, make you do anything I wanted, just by looking at you. I can tap into the part of your brain that no one else can. I made sure that Gaara and Neji got you two away, and home, I duplicated myself and sent one to here, where I healed you. I’m a medical ninja”

“What about the books?” Sophie asked.

“Ah, the books! I was wondering when you would figure that out, well, the books as you can tell, tells you everything and anything, it is wrote by a clan that can see the future, but, no one knows where this clan is. Anyway, there is this girl in the clan, that was unfortunately blind, but, she can see through the blind spots. See, the others cant see everything, but she can, its complicated because, you would think because she’s blind she cant see, but that’s the thing, because she’s blind she can see, see through the spots the others can, and then, through that, the book were created” she explained.

“What about the prophecy child? And me?” Sophie asked.

“Well. Amy...I have to say I do not know, we will have to wait and see, you, well...basically, when Gaara was created, well, so were you, no one knows about how you, and everyone else like you were created but you were...you two are meant to be together, and, you two together makes you stronger, but it also makes you weaker, you two can fight at extraordinary power, but, you two tame each other, calm the others jinchuuriki down, like, when Gaara smelled your blood, you placed your hands over his at his head, and he was instantly fine...that was you taming the jinchuuriki”

My eyes went wide; Sophie...stopped...shukaku...

“You mean...I stopped it?...” she asked.


“Wow...” she mumbled “So...does that mean I’m from the sand village?”


“WOO! HELL YES!” she yelled bouncing up, her hands shooting up as she screamed ‘VICTORY!’

I smiled. Wait...When we get back...Temari...will be all over her...probably be like the game 20 questions they play here...and...cat guy, as Sophie called him...would probably be worse...because he was a huge sucker for girls...

Naruto characters...HERE?! ON EARTH?! ONE WORD! EPIC! (EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now