more training...and some fun

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Yesterday had been a long day, the jinchuuriki book...the ideas about the books, my rant at Gaara...our was a lot of emotion...kinda...

Today I was training again, and by that, I mean weights...again...

Walking up to the weight room Gaara was already waiting for me. I just hope it wont be awkward from yesterday.

“Same thing as the other day?” I asked.

He nodded, sitting down and crossing his arms over his chest. I guess I wasn’t getting to much talk out of him today then...

Sitting down, I pushed on the handles. It was a little easier than last time, I guess my muscles are a little stronger...I guess that’s good...but it won’t be long until I’m struggling again...

Today was going to be a long...silent...painful day I think...

Hours on end it was silent, and it was really starting to irritate me.

“So...I guess no ones up for talking today?” I asked.

“I have nothing to say” he said.

“Not even about yesterday? A emotion...something to say anything?”

“No...not really”

“You’re very good at keeping a conversation up” I said sarcastically.

He smirked at my comment and leaned back onto the chair.

“You know, you should really train, you haven’t trained for like...three days, you’re slacking off” I playfully scolded.

Smirking he came over and sat on the weights next to me.

“It’s harder than it looks by the way” I said before he started pushing the handles up.

“But I’m stronger”

“I have more will power”

“I can take more”

“Yeah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight”

“It’s true”


“I can”

“Nuh uh!”

“I am so not answering that”

“HA! I win!”

“No you don’t”


“No, you don’t”

“Yes I do”

“I don’t think so”

“Oh think whatever you want” I huffed.

“So...I win” he smirked.


Looking at Gaara it was like he was lifting those weights like it was nothing, while I was struggling. Wow...I'm weak...well...can’t have that! That's just not right.

"How can you just do that without struggling?" I asked.

"Remember I've trained my whole life, I'm stronger than you, and so, I'm able to do this without even breaking a sweat"

Naruto characters...HERE?! ON EARTH?! ONE WORD! EPIC! (EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now