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Sophie's POV

I had been in the leaf village for a few days, working on special medicines for Lady Tsunady.

Many people in the sand village were wondering why I was gone so much but the sand have a contract with the leaf that has a mutual agreement that we help each other when called upon for things such as, medicines.

While I was working in the wards, in a little earlier than usual, Lady Tsunady had held me in the wards until she had found a quite space to talk to me. I didn't know what she wanted to talk to me about but once we were alone, she sat in front of me and slid a book bound by leather towards me.

"What's this?" I questioned.

"This, is one of your human books, about patients, that have suffered memory loss." She stated wry quickly.

"Oh, Why are you giving me this?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing as I opened the book.

"Amy unleashed some of her full power the other night, she thought it would be wise to put up a fight. She is now branded with the caged bird seal. She has suffered full memory loss, this is where this book comes in. You both were in the world, you both know things we don't. Could this book tell us something we could do to help her get her memory back?"

I tried my best to hide my shock but I quickly flipped through the pages, reading that places, phrases, even doing things she liked to do would help regain her memory of possible to regain them.

"It's possible, I'm not sure, what I'm gathering is we need to introduce Amy into her old lifestyle. Dropping the books and the constant training, let's do what we normally did with her. Team training, missions, games with Shikamaru, introduce her to everyone again. Speak of the night in phrases of what she said, things she saw while fighting." I explained, "I saw in a movie once that patient with head trauma can suffer brain swelling and that can explain her loss of memory, was she out for a long time?" I questioned while carefully closing the book.

"Yes she was," Tsunady said.

"That was probably the swelling going down, now we just have to introduce her to the person she was and what she did. I can't say for sure that she will get her memory back though. It's a 50/50 situation."

Tsunady nodded, "She should be getting up about now. Maybe you should go greet her. See if that triggers something."

I nodded, once excused I left for the hyuga compound. Not meany people were roaming about the streets as I strolled through. There were some people beginning to put up there stalls, which on the way I bought an apple from.

While I zipped through the narrow streets of the leaf village, I found myself wondering all the possibilities that could happen. What would happen if Amy did gain her memory back? What if she didn't?

I had thought of many possibilities and roots I could take to try and help Amy by the time I got to the hyuga compound.

I had passed many rooms in the compound, and took myself to Amy's front door. Letting myself in, I stared down at he sleeping form.

She could use a wake up call.

Once rudely awoken, I smelled sweetly down at her and snapped my fingers, drawing her groggy attention in.

"Come on, get dressed, we have a lot of work to do, meet me in the kitchen." I tossed her her headband and left her looking dazed and confused.

During my time in the kitchen, I made her a cup of tea and put a bowl if cereal on the table.

Once she was dressed, she shuffled into the room and sat across from me. Looking at me with squinted eyes she said "I'm sorry but I don't recognise you. I'm going to assume we know each other?"

Naruto characters...HERE?! ON EARTH?! ONE WORD! EPIC! (EDITING!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt