Training and...the Jinchuriki book

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“Ok...try and hit the target” Gaara said to me.

I nodded, ok, this couldn’t be too hard, I mean I did well with the shuriken...hopefully I could do it with the kunai...let hope I’m not terrible and embarrass myself in front of Gaara...

Closing my eyes I did the same as the shuriken, I just let my hand do it, not emptying my brain.

“That’s amazing...” Gaara said astonished.

I opened my eyes to see it on target.

“Wow...” I whispered.

“ keep doing that...and you could be moving onto learning how to fight and finally use it” he said.

“Well...ok then”                                              

After a few hours I was learning how to dodge attacks in a fight with an opponent that may or may not be stronger, at this moment, Gaara was definitely stronger...obviously...

“See, when dodging attacks, you need to watch your opponent closely, see exactly where they are trying to attack, you can dodge by moving out of the way, by blocking with your arms, there are so many ways to dodge...” Gaara explained.

Nodding I smiled.

“Well...first, we probably need to build up your strength in your arms, someone with a hard attack could damage you, do you have weights?” Gaara asked.

“Um, yeah, Noah has some up at the gym”

“Ok, we’re going there then”

“Ok” I took his hand and dragged him up the many stares to the gym.

It had multiple arm weights, leg weights, and mats to do sit-ups on...really everything...even cross trainers and stuff...

I went over and sat on one, you could pick the weight setting you put it on and you put your hands on the handles and pushed it up, it could be very hard, and I knew for a fact if I was going to be doing this a lot them my arms were going to be killing me. Gaara set the weight setting and told my to start.

After a few minutes of pushing it, it was getting extremely hard, and Gaara was sitting there, doing nothing, looking at me in amusement.

“Yeah...just sit...there nothing...while I’m...killing my...arms!” I struggled to get out.

“Keep pushing the weights up, don’t slack off” he said in amusement.

“Yeah, you say that...after you do this...for like half an hour...WITH NO BREAK!...ON LIKE...HALF OF THE WEIGHTS!...aren’t you meant to gradually move up?!”

“Yeah, but you can handle that” Gaara laughed.

“Wow you sure are chatty today”

“Oh, and look forward not being able to move tomorrow, your legs are next, then sit-ups, then you have a break tomorrow then do this all over again.


“Nope, I’m not”


“I’m helping”


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