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The next few days went by in a blur. I haven't regained much memory but during the nights when I slept, it was sometimes coming back to me in small fragments. Fragments being phrases, words or facial expressions. Nothing that I could efficiently use to build up knowledge of my past memories.

Neji had been very distant and I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't remember him well enough to know how to deal with the situation his way.

We were a couple and don't couples usually be around each other as much as they can? If he had a problem, shouldn't he be able to come to me about it? It's not like we had a fight. Did we?

Maybe we did.

Most of my days following my awake, had been filled with training. During the day I trained with Shikamaru and Lee - who I later discovered were my close friends as well. White further added into the list of people that I needed to catch up with and remember.

During the nights I would be in the medical wards reading books, and practicing on dumb fish. Which I could never get to move.

So nor did I have time to spend with Neji, but I had no time to try and figure out what our problem was.

But when we had breakfast and supper together, and the nights I get home early I feel he avoids me. No, I don't feel, I know he's avoiding me.

During his avoidance - when I did actually have a little personal time to spare- I'd learned that I had a friend named Sophie in the sand village. I had yet to give her a call but she apparently didn't know about the accident so I saw no need to rush a call.

I currently sat in my room, studying books that were piled higher than myself. All filled with how to channel my chakra, and how to do this and how to do that and everything with past knowledge. They all seemed familiar, so I knew I had somehow read them all before, but nothing was coming back. Everything was blank, still.

Even now as I sat, lonely on my bed, Neji still hadn't come to see me.

Earlier on in the week, he had told me that we had fought (before I lost my memory), told me that we fought over the symbol on my head. At first I didn't know why.

Until I read up on it.

It was basically slavery to lower branch people of the Clan. I, being told was some 'prodigy' had to somehow fix it? And to do that I had apparently needed to get this green symbol on my head.

Since Neji has been distant (and I still didn't know if I was ok with that or not), I would have no other choice than to figure out about this mark by myself.

As if I had another flash of memory, I recalled Sophie, who was currently in the Sand village. If she was my best friend then she should know about this mark, if she knows about my accident or not.

Was it really even an accident?

I stared down at the book in my hand and made a mental note, that when I had time I would go to her and get some answers.


Another three days passed, and I was beginning to get bored with the same old routine. Wake up, breakfast, train, lunch, train, dinner, read, train, sleep, and so on in an non ending loop. I was a roller-coster, doomed to a never ending loop.

My brain was frazzled, my hair was matted, my memory was like a deep cavern of sludge, my body was battered and bruised, and Neji still wasn't freakin talking to me.

Call me impatient, but it had been almost a week with no answers, no memories. No understanding. I still hadn't even had time to visit Sophie, which further frustrated me more.

At nights I had took Neji's advise in meditating before I slept. I did deep breathing, stretched, then crossed my legs and shut my eyes. Listening to the calming water trickles.


I just had to accept the fact that my memories were never coming back, I would just have to start over, with everything.


Later that night


As I sat in the medical ward, as usual, there was the busy mob of injured people ran in. Nurses rushed around me as I stared down at the large, slimy fish. Unmoving.

I firmly placed one hand if the other on top of the fish and let my chakra pulse through. Clamping my eyes shut I tensed my body to create more chakra flow.

Slowly, very slowly, I felt the wriggle of a fin, then the tail, until it throttled and flopped.

I gasped and screamed in delight, I bounced up and down.

"Yes!" I chanted, pushing my fist up into the air.

I smacked my book closed and grinned, 'Take that,"

Maybe I was ready for people now, I should let lady Tsunady know in the morning of my successfulness. Now that I was able to heal successfully I had no more work! I could officially relax.

Grabbing my book, I galloped out the doors and down the streets of the leaf village. As I took a well needed stole through the streets, I glanced to the sky.

It was a delightful purple, due to the sunset that lay just behind the clouds. It was beautiful. There was no breeze, just a delightful warmth left in the air. Not damp or cold at all.

As I entered the compound, and towards my room, I could hear the sort trickle of water from the pond. No doubt someone would be meditating by it, which was normally someone of huge importance.

Going into the kitchen, I quickly made myself a cup of tea, trying to not make much racket, knowing that if I did it was draw someone out when all I really wanted was a bubble bath.

Once successfully making it to my room undisturbed, I ran a bath and climbed in, sighing deeply and just sank into the warm, relaxing water


Sorry for the shortness guys!

Naruto characters...HERE?! ON EARTH?! ONE WORD! EPIC! (EDITING!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora