Ideas and a moment...

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Sophie’s POV

I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes. My arms, legs and stomach were all in agony, Damn Gaara for working me so hard! Turning my head I got my phone painfully off my bedside table.

“Wow, half ten...” I said “I slept in late”

Getting up was a struggle but I did. I stretched all my muscles, I had to admit it felt a little better, but a hot bath would do the trick, I’ve learned that.

Running a warm bath I got in, lying there for ages.

After getting out I brushed my teeth, washed my face, I dried myself off then dried my hair and got ready, wearing a white t-shirt that was one shouldered and jean short shorts with black converses.

Walking down the stairs slower than usual I flopped down on the couch, yeah, it was going to be a huge effort to move today...

“Hey Sophie” Gaara said, picking up my legs sitting down and putting them on his lap.


“How are you?”

“Fine...but its going to take a lot for me to get my butt off this couch today”

He smirked and nodded.

“So...what was with the book?” he asked.

My eyebrows went down if confusion. “What book?” I asked.

“The Jinchuuriki book”

“Never heard of it”

“But it was in my’re the only one who has been in there”

“Sorry...I have no clue what you are talking about” I said.

“Well, there is a book on all the tailed jinchuuriki, even me, it tells you about my past...and my future...”

“That’s well freaky...”

“I has all the others, Naruto...everyone...I haven’t had a chance to read through it all but I have scanned most of it”

I nodded. So...there was a book on all the tailed beasts doubt from the library...and, if there was a book on them then there was bound to be more books.

“Well, I think you should read it, might be good insight” I said.


“Yeah, learn about the others”


“Well...I don’t know, if I were you, I would be reading all about it because it’s interesting to me. Its obviously interesting to you as well, because I can tell you have many questions in your the book could have your future in it before you even knew it was going to happen, we even ended up with the book in the first place”

Shock came over his face and there was no hiding it, I could see it, anyone probably could.

“Yeah, that’s right, I can read you like a book...freak isn’t it?” I said smirking.

He nodded slightly and continued to stare.

“ you want answers to these questions or not?” I asked.

Naruto characters...HERE?! ON EARTH?! ONE WORD! EPIC! (EDITING!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora