TY: "Um...who is Kookie?"

Taehyung thinking~ "Wait...this could work." He knew he could mess up Yoongi's plan with this, so, using this to his advantage he says~ "Oh shoot..." He snapped his fingers, says insincerely~ "...you caught me."

TY: "...what do you mean?"

Tae: "Kookie...she's my girlfriend."

TY: "What?! Girlfriend?!" She stood up, says~ "Why did you ask me to the dance if you had a girlfriend?!"

Tae: "Well...um...she is going to be gone during the dance. And I wanted to go with someone...didn't want to look like a loser and go by myself."

Jina stood up~ "Taehyung is this true..?"

Tae: "I didn't want to make her feel bad. I'm sorry Tzuyu."

TY: "Wow...I knew you could be a jerk but I didn't think you were a big liar too. Well you can forget about going to the dance with me then." Tzuyu storms out of the house, infuriated.

Jina put her hands on her hips, says~ "I'm very disappointed in you. This is not how I raised you."

Tae: "I never once told Tzuyu I wanted to be with her. All I asked was that she went to the dance with me." Inside Tae felt guilty for treating Tzuyu like that, after all she was just an innocent bystander.

JN: "It doesn't matter. I am extremely ashamed of you. Go to your room."

Tae: "Yes ma'am.." Tae went upstairs. He felt bad, but at the same time he was happy. Now he didn't have to worry about Yoongi's plan.

Little did he know Yoongi hadn't given him the entire plan, he saved that information just for the rest of the guys.


Jungkook was walking down the hall when he was snatched to the side where no one was. Jungkook grab his heart, looks over and says~ "When are you going to stop doing that? It scare me every time."

Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist, says~ "I'm sorry." He gives him a long kiss before he pulls away. Jungkook, says with a slight smile~ "Ok I forgive you."

Jungkook says while messing with Tae's tie~ "I like this sweet side of you. I was beginning to think you didn't have one."

Tae: "Yeah well...I don't show many people it. So consider yourself lucky."

JK: "I do...anyways what was going on with you? You were acting strange."

Tae: "It really isn't that important. But I want to tell you, if I do anything mean to you I want to apologize in advance. I just..."

JK: "I already know. You don't want anyone suspecting that something is going on between us."

Tae: "Exactly. Especially my friends."

JK: "Oh, that reminds me...your friends came up to me yesterday and-"

Tae: "They didn't hurt you did they?? What's this mark on your face??"

Jungkook touched where Tae was talking about, he was caught off guard by Tae's sudden freak out~ "It's just a scar."

Tae: "...oh. Go on."

JK: "Well, they told me that you wanted to go to the dance with me, but I-"

Tae got a message on his phone, it was Yoongi. Tae says~ "Hold that thought." Tae looks at his message, it read~

YG: "We need to talk before class starts. Now."

Tae: "Shit..." He mumbled to himself.

JK: "What's wrong?"

Love a Bully ᯽ VkookWhere stories live. Discover now