CH 27 - I don't believe in coincidences

Start from the beginning

"The Elder King has matches in mind for our boys." I tell Poppy calmly. "Kit and Ming's engagement wasn't a surprise to him, but he has plans for Beam and Wayo."

"With whom?" Poppy is surprised. "I know he's a distant relative of yours, but what did you say?"

I silence both Beam and Wayo when they both start talking together. They look worried and keep checking the two beside them. Let's make this more interesting, shall we?

"I told him I would think about it." I sip my tea.

"Father you can't really consider this?" Wayo is worried.

"How can he know, he hasn't even met us." Beam adds.

"You four have met him a few times when you went with me to the capital." I tell Beam. "The old Gardner you are fond off."

"The old guy who shares his plums with us?" Wayo is surprised.

"Who makes us listen to how it was better in his day?" Ming shouts.

"The guy who makes us help with planting flowers?" Kits stunned.

"That's the Elder King?" Beam shouts.

"So, who did he say?" Poppy is excited at this prospect.

"He thinks Beam will be good for his grandson, and Wayo for the Kongtanin heir."

I was extremely surprised by his choices, but we had a long talk and his argument was convincing. I had given it serious thought on my way home, only to find the said princes already living in my house and courting my sons. Coincidence? I didn't believe in such things, and I would find out who was pulling the strings.

"That pompous no good maid chaser?" Beam shouts.

Forth sighs and covers his face with his hands, he can't even defend himself. A good lesson to learn highness, you should speak the truth.

"Don't let that Kongtanin heir near Yo, uncle." Ming bangs his fist on the table. "That guy is trouble."

"That bad Ming?" Kit asks. "I've never met either of them."

"Neither have I P' but I heard the talk. He thinks he's god's gift to the world." Ming shouts. "His you have to have a relationship for that title, he just has a different girl in his bed every night."

Phana looks like he wants to hit something or someone, but he looks at Yo and leans back in his chair. What the boys will do is much more interesting than any punishment I could think off.

"The Elder King thinks the two playboy princes would be good for my sons?" Poppy is irritated.

"Yo, don't sit there all quiet." Ming shouts.

"I don't think he would agree, anyway." Wayo says calmly.

"Why wouldn't he?" Poppy's voice rises.

He's about to make the killing blow, I know his actions well.

"He wouldn't like someone ordinary like me." He tells everyone. "I'm not royalty material."

"Yo! I told you that guy was just bitter you didn't fall for him." Ming yells. "That stupid prince from far away. I want to beat him up all over again."

"What prince Ming?" Kit asks angrily.

"Yo...." Phana says next to him.

"P'Pha is really handsome, much more than any prince." He smiles up at him, I hate that prince. "You got to spend time with me and you like me, I'm glad it's you."

"You're perfect, Yo." Phana whispers. "I thought you were cute the first night I saw you, and I loved you when you said I was yours."

He leans forward and kisses Wayo on his cheek...He kissed my son in front of me! I put down the shards of the cup that shattered in my hand, Lee hurries to clear it. I can't kill him in front of Wayo, you spoiled little prince, you will pay.

I look at Forth, he understands what I want and looks ready to cry but takes a deep breath and speaks.

"We would like to ask your leave." Forth starts. "I think Phana and I need to visit home."

The table is completely silent, my happy sons have both frozen and immediately look sad. Beam leaves the table, looking angry, while Wayo bites his lip as he excuses himself. Both the princes quickly follow the boys. I'm not being cruel, I'm not!


Wayo POV

"Please talk to me Yo." P'Pha pulls me to a stop.

He came to walk me home after training, but I don't know what to say. I know he has to go home and tell his family he's okay, I understand, I really do, but I don't want him to go. We are out of the forest and I can see my house, I want to run home and hide in my room.

"I don't want you to go." I whisper. "I'll miss you."

"Yo, I will hate every day I don't see you." He hugs me tightly. "It's only for a few days, I want to tell my father I'm okay. And when you come for the ball in a few days I want to introduce you to him."


"Of course, Yo." He kisses the top of my head.

He moves back and looks at me. "I'm courting you with the intention of marriage, so you're not allowed to let anyone but me kiss you ever again."

"You're silly P'Pha." I laugh. "Only you ever did and..."

He kisses me softly, holding me gently as he wraps his arms around me. I cling to him, pulling him closer, I don't want him to go.


I slowly pull away at Sparks warning and see my father walk outside and look in our direction. P'Pha quickly straightens...father did do something, I need to talk to P'Beam.

P'Pha takes my hand and we head to the house, I stop and turn in time to see a shadow hide behind a small bush. I listen to the hum of the forest as I start walking again. It wasn't scaring me, and the forest was still calm but it was strange. Why was the peddler watching me again?

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