vi. sweet revenge

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I began sobbing. I felt pathetic, stupid, and betrayed. I couldn't help it. I sucked in a sharp breath and tightened my jaw. Sirius better stay the fuck away from me.

Suddenly, the cold metallic feel of my charm bracelet caught my attention. I ripped it off of my small wrist and hurled it as far as I could. I breathed heavily as I watched it disappear into the Black Lake.


I sat in Professor Slughorn's Potions class, droning out his words. Potions was my favorite subject and I excelled at it. All I could hear was Michelle giggling in the back with Sirius. I was clenching my fists so tightly that my knuckles were turning white.

If you're wondering who Michelle is, let me explain. She's that one girl everybody knows. The girl that's physically perfect. Long, beautiful brunette locks, gorgeous chocolate brown eyes, and a dazzling smile. She was placed in Gryffindor our first year and has excelled in most everything. It had circulated through the school that she fancied Sirius but he didn't go for her for awhile, I don't quite know why. But I'm assuming she was just the last pretty girl on his list.

I felt someone nudge my arm, pulling me back to reality. Amos Diggory was looking at me with concern in his caramel colored eyes.

"You alright, Potter?" He whispered as he glanced at my clenched fist. I slowly relaxed and forced a smile.

"Yeah... yeah, Amos, I'm fine, thanks." He gave me a soft smile.

Amos was a Hufflepuff. Very kind and somewhat shy. He had light brown hair and light brown eyes. Many girls fancied him but he wasn't known for being a ladies man. I'd never really talked to him much until he and Black switched seats.

I turned back to face Professor Slughorn who was discussing love potions.

"Now, can anyone tell me the strongest love potion known to wizards?" I instinctively raised my hand. "Yes, Ms. Potter?" He prompted expectantly. He knew I had the answer.

"Amortentia, sir." I said lowly as I crossed my arms.

"EXCELLENT! As always, you amaze me, Ms. Potter. Here, come on up." I looked around nervously and stood from my table. I hesitantly met Professor at the front of the class. He enthusiastically positioned me in front of a covered cauldron.

"Now, amortentia has a specific scent that will attract the intended individual." He informed the class, looking at each student through his spectacles.

"Ms. Potter, please tell me what you smell." Slughorn removed the lid to the cauldron and I bent down a little to inhale the intoxicating aroma. My stomach filled with butterflies due to the distinct smells. I felt warm and relaxed.

"I smell chocolate, damp soil and... pine...?" My head snapped up when I heard a few people giggle. My face instantly went crimson and I hurried to my seat, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Erm... very good, Ms. Potter! Now, I want a full essay on the major effects of Amortentia. It is due next class. Everyone, dismissed."

I scurried out of the class, quick to avoid Black. I clutched my books to my chest and kept my head down.

"Genevieve!" A voice called. I spun around to find Amos running after me. Once he got to me, he was slightly out of breath. He let out a puff of air and smiled at me.

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