Star wars battlefront 2

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(Loot boxes will not be brought up during this part)

Well, this is my first one based on the will of the people of the star wars amino poll and thanks to all those who voted.

Man, this game is good but not great it's not as good as Battlefield but it's not as bad as call of duty. Unlike 2015s battlefront, this one seems to not be as fun based but more the right card for the right time which can either make you ball like Michael Jordan or fail like titanfall 2 marketing. But enough is enough its time for some categories.
This to me was one of it's best improvements as there are more heroes and they all have a more unique set of skills like Finn is basically solider 76 with auto aim,  kylo is op in the right hands, and the fact everytime I turned around in the beta I was sliced by either I wish she was a skywalker Rey and I got cut in half "but I'm still not dead come at me kenobi" Darth maul yells. Now my personal favorite hero has never ceiced to be boba fetty wap the guy who carries more missiles then I carry emotional baggage. He now can spot the enemy for you and fly over pesky force users unless they push while you're trying to take off then your dead.  If I had to be someone from the light side it would be leia cause almost every game mode I've played with her seems to be my strangely lucky day. If I have to pick one I hate it's when my team leaves me alone and I'm playing as anyone not force related and am immediately killed.
Well, the game also added more vehicles like at-rts for clones and rebels along with the speeders for the rebels, resistance, and the first order. But my favorite new additions are the new clone wars fighters and the fact I can play as my favorite ship the arc 170 which feels like cheating if you just press the back to support you. There are also y-wings which I wish were a little bit faster but hey I'm not a hacker or a programmer I'm a just snarky person in Florida. There are hero ships that range from unimportant like Tallie's A- wing to get out of here you killmonger the slave 1.
Get ready to kill harder then you have never killed before ( person in background: "that doesn't make sense")  shut up here is what I mean what did you have in 2015 a rocket launcher and a thermal imploded and you thought you were op ha no characters have defuser weapons that get rid of grenades like this is rainbow six siege. There are sentry mini-guns which could turn explosive.  How about grenades with acid, smoke bombs like your Randy Cunningham or trip mines in this game your old tricks are nothing you either evolve or die. OK now let's get back to being as serious I could be now I have not played every gun but I suggest running the cr-2 with reduced recoil on assault because it's a bit op(Pre-nerf). Also, you should run that rapid sniper rifle on the sniper class. On heavy just run your shield with a sentry. And officers just stand behind the heavys giving health and defusing bombs don't fight unless necessary. 
Now there are some great maps on this game for certain people if you want to win as the empire just play Hoth I've only won once there as a rebel when my team took out both walkers. If you want to win as the rebels or resistance there nearly the same play takodana or just hold out in the last part of crait. If you look at the design of these places you could tell the game engine they're working with is great the inside of Kamino, the outside of the battle of crait, and all the night battles seem to operate as eye candy something it took battlefield 1 for me to really notice.
I only made this a category to say that I wish there were more constant music that's it.
Wow the dark side has all the good ones they have super battle droids, flame troopers, and jump troopers
While the light side has jump troopers and wookies for all eras because it makes so much sense to see a wookie in the battle of Naboo unless their immigrants but they're all a part of the republic so would that be immigration or just like moving to a new state.
Game Modes
Well, there are only five so far so this should be easy to talk about.  There is galactic assault in which its a massive 20 v 20 in the words of John Boyega. The mode is like operations from battlefield 1 but with more variety to the objectives. Starfighter Assault is the game mode if you have a great visual screen,  good amount of skill flying,  and a large amount of situational awareness. But it's still fun and good if you want some credits. Also, I don't think I need to describe this one to you because its name is the game mode just like hero vs villains. Strike is a smaller galactic assault that usually involves grabbing something and GTFO out of enemies range. Blast is call of duty in a nut Shell run around to kill other people and win done( it's team deathmatch). Last but not least there are plans at the time of me writing this there are plans for a battlefield style of conquest mode which makes me actually happy which is rare I haven't been ten in a long time that's the last time I remember being happy for long periods of time for no reason.

Well before I leave the one person who put other named macronios on the amino asked me to explain the famous Kessel run in 12 parsecs now according to what I know it is said that hyperspace is not a straight line due to celestial objects and that fact that parsecs are a distance, not a time it would mean who could get across an area with the least delay due to object, in this case, black holes. Also, it's said that this was a lie by Han solo anyway
Well, thanks for reading and please support poor wookie children who're parents fought in the clone wars.
If there is something I missed or something you want me to write next just ask later.

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