Star wars_atat

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Now I'm going to explain this like I don't watch star wars once every day like an addict but the atat looks dumb.
While looking up things to explain this easier I found apparently this thing can be so fast and quiet it can sneak up on people like a t-rex from the last dinosaur How? My only guess is that it took ninja practice from the karate show on Disney.  Let's talk to about practical use it can't climb anything higher than a 45-degree angle looks slow but is somehow fast like a cruise ship with four legs and a red visor and has four guns all pointing in the same direction like four tank turrets if it was somehow guerilla glued on their. But everything thing iconic has a weak spot so imagine if a bunch of four-year-olds tripped you and you are now laying on the ground like you were drunk now think if some other random four-year-old ran up to you and shot a nerf gun into your neck and you just explode like Carl dropped a stick of Dynamite in the cockpit. That's what happens what happens to though armor and if it can barely turn its head, to begin with, why would you make the heck out of middle school shop wood painted Grey.
My final thought it is too iconic to hate like Mark Hamil in the first star wars even though he had some had bad lines. While it does look ridiculous you could tell that whoever was writing the comics and books really had to write some stupid explanation why they're so scary even though if I saw this in a battlefield I would say run to the left his neck is to short to see us.

P.S how do you think they got in did they scale a rope like a stereotypical high school gym student cause in that universe they should have some sort mobile elevator right. 

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